
The skill of communication can be challenging. For the inhabitants of Venus, to communicate means the using a bewildering array of colour. Yes communication on Venus is involved. A layer of sulphuric acid surrounding the planet has caused the planets surface to turn a white.
As the inhabitants of Venus love colour they use the chalk like surface of their world to paint transient images. Over millennia, all life on this world developed photographic memories, as the planets turbulent atmosphere means that these images are regularly blown away. That was, until earths interplanetary traders started delivering acrylic resin fixatives.

And now what use is a photographic memory? Those pesky interfering traders!
Once a trader, always a trader, at least in my experience
Where will they paint new messages if the old ones are preserved? What an imaginative, unique tale!
Very true, there is often a down side to trading.
Dear Michael,
An interesting take on the prompt. Imaginative and artistic.
PS If I may…it should be courtesy of Brenda Cox. A curtsy is a what a lady would do in meeting the queen.
Thank you Rochelle, I always seem to make this spelling error,
Pobody’s nerfect, Michael. 😉
To true Rochelle
An interesting story., which is a very imaginative take on the prompt
Thank you so much Penny,
Sci-fi tale but may be true in the distant future.
Maybe we will be reborn and get to watch this- as traders or perhaps paint using the new paints 🙂
Now there’s a thought close to my heart
Complex sci-fi that is good food for thought.
I do love good food. Unfortunately complex cookery is beyond me, so I will stick to writing flash
A captivating story. Well done.
Thank you Brenda, it is always pleasing to hear from yourself
Not all progress is good!
That is true Elizabeth
How imaginative, Michael! And thing being shades of black and grey. yes, color is a wonderful gift. I can’t imagine not being able to see it, with every
Sorry, that got all messed up. One of those Apple glitches with the track pad. Should have read, “And yes, color is a wonderful gift. I can’t imagine not being able to see it, with everything being in shades of black and grey.
Linda, I have many glitches when it comes to computers, however without the help of a computer I would not be able to read about Zing and Zang or enter the wonderful world of Friday Fictioneers,
An intriguing and artistic piece of writing. I loved it, Michael!
Brenda I was so pleased to read your comment, thank you
the paint companies can have a field day
We will allow them so long as their products are extra environmentally good
Traders will always see a gap in the market.
That’s often alright so long as they are environmentally good
The acrylic resin seems to make sense, but haven’t they run out of space?
Hi Bernadette, at the moment the turbulent atmosphere on the planet destroys of the images in minutes, it is strange planet.
That’s an intriguing take on the prompt! 😀
Earthlings will always find a way to ‘improve’ things. I hope the Venusians can hold onto their unique culture and artistry.
Margaret that is my concern, environmentally balances and checks can be in place for good reasons