Up in the attic

Greetings to everyone, at the moment I hooked on to various Intravenous lines as I am running a temperature. Thinking is hard. Last week it was difficult to comment, whilst now I in the midst of a brain fog. I will as usually try to read all postings on Friday Fictioneers. But am unlikely to be able to comment much, the fog it seems has that effect.
He wonders whether to go left or right, does it matter, yes he likes to be in control. He decides to check out which way nature is heading and follow her. Hawaii looks about right.

I hope you get better soon, Michael
Much appreciated Neil
Take care.
The fog won’t last long.
The sun will shine again. The view will be clear.
And it will be your time again
Thank you Anita, the sun is certainly shining here today, frustratingly the brain fog is fighting back
Sorry you are not well. I hope you are feeling better soon.
So sorry you’re not feeling up to par. I hope you improve soon – whatever is in those IV lines should do the trick.
Take it easy, Michael.
I certainly am having to. Thank you for the kind thoughts
Wishing you well, Michael.
Appreciated Keith
Sounds like a rough start to the year. All the best and wishing you calmer waters. Miranda x
Thank you Miranda, calm water are always good
Get well soon, Michael, best wishes from Jilly
Thank you Jilly, I do my best
Take care Michael. A trip to Hawaii would be most welcome right now…
Wouldn’t it just Iain
Feel better and fully well very very soon, Michael! Here’s to holding on to places we wanna be in, while we’re in places we don’t wanna be in …
Thank you Na’ama, I do dream of being home
Wishing you well, Michael. No good to be unwell and brain fog is awful.
Thank you Margaret, I am feeling much improved,,, as for the brain fog only time will tell
I hope you feel better soon, Michael. Brain fog must be so tedious for you…
Thank you Penny,,, tedious is spot on.
Hawaii sounds just right. I hope you’ll be feeling better soon and those IVs do their job.
Thank you,,, IVs working well,,, as for the brain fog, time will tell
I’m feeling your fog right along with you! Mine keeps rolling through with some patches that are quite dense. Hope your lifts soon!
I really appreciate your support, I hope the sun comes out and thins the fog for you
I wish you a speedy recovery. I bet you wish you were almost anywhere else.
I was very lucky to have three great companions in my hospital bay. Strangely even the nurses enjoyed our company.
Do get better soon, Michael!
Dale I will try hard, antibiotics and a new diet, and writing for Friday Fictioneers it all helps.