
Photo Prompt from Rochelle Wishop-Fields
The sounds of a giant beast weaving its way through the forest assaulted my ears. It horrendous scream made the leaves tremble. Then it burst into the clearing, black faced and pulling its long red and white body ever forward. I am draughtsman looking at a mountain. The beast towers over me, it is bleeding, so I step back, as pungent smells assault me. Yet I climb aboard, for I must travel to my destination.

Lovely, Michael. Interesting isn’t it. that we now see steam engines as “natural”?
I had hoped to post a picture that I took many years back of huge German locomotive creeping through a forest on an island in the Baltic ocean. But I could not find it. The locomotive seemed so out of place. However you are right about how many see todays trains as normal.
Wow, Michael! What an ingenious take on the prompt! Excellent flow carried the reader along throughout the entire story. Great write!
Thank you so much Nancy,
Fascinating story! I wish Americans could see steam engines as normal, but I don’t think we do. We tend to think of trains as things of the past rather than possibilities for the future.
Rosemary, I would love to have travelled around the USA by steam train.
Dear Michael,
Picturesque piece. I love how you went from spider web to steam engine with ease. Nicely woven story.
Thank you Rochelle, the Railway that I had in mind was once like a giant web but hidden in a beautiful forest
This is wonderful, Michael.
Thank you Dale, it marvellous to be able to read all the different takes on each weeks prompt.
I saw your picture before reading which makes me wonder how I’d have interpreted the ‘beast’ without it. I love how the spider ends up climbing on board.
Jennifer, sadly I could not find the photo that I took of that locomotive, ‘it dominated the forest clearing’, there was nothing else but myself and a forest of mature trees,
I’ve always loved trains. Now, after reading your tail, I might be a bit wary of them. Nicely done.
Alicia Please do not be wary of them, I love them also, they can give so much freedom,
This is such an original take, beautiful writing Michael. The monsters of the past become regular or even outdated features in the present.
Only the locomotive should have credit, I will never forget my surprise as it burst into the forest clearing, it was such a gorgeous and majestic moment
Beautiful writing, Michael!
Brenda, the moment when the locomotive burst into the clearing was spectacular
Very poetic.
Thank you Dawn, when the locomotive burst into the forest clearing created poetry
I remember travelling in steam engine trains. We would arrive covered in soot and mouth gritty because our heads would be out of the window most of the time.
Many is the time that I have arrived covered in soot, but the old engine drivers would blame that on poor quality coal.
Beautiful writing. Great take on this prompt!
Angela, I can not take the credit, the prompt and my memory held sway
Reminded me of my then two-year-old grandson who loved Thomas the Tank Engine, but when he saw it coming toward him, life-sized, he was terrified 🙂 Good writing, Michael.
Yes steam trains can appear gigantic, almost dragon like. I hope that he was not frightened for long,
Fabulous descriptions here! The train as an unnatural beast breaking the tranquillity of nature. Well done.
Thank you Laurie