Hard Choice
Prompt provided by Susan Rouchard Joseph ran concrete stained hands through the stubble that passed for his hair. He looked over a rail mounted wingless plane body. His run in with the travel licensing board, had burnt out the crafts…
The Traveller
Prompt photo provided by Dale Rogerson. Benjamin Blue wondered about his dreams, for they seemed so far from his reality. The burnt and deeply scarred surface of earth, just did not correspond to what he saw in dreams. The colours…
Cold but safe
Photo prompt provided by Rowena Curtin Alcatraz had nothing on this place. A red brick hovel that has never been warm. Icy cold drafts percolate into every nook and cranny. We have done our best to create something. The rows…
Out at night walking
Prompt by Susan Rouchard The light is lovely on this cold night, around me an ancient culture sleeps. Dark shadows offer a glimpse in the past. Yet it is a multitude of bright red lights, interspersed with just as many…
The Witch Hunters
Prompt from Ted Strutz After a hearty breakfast of mushrooms on toast, our two intrepid hunter set out to find prey. It was a hard trek crossing Pendle hill, carrying all their paraphernalia. So at noon, when they came across…
Down but not Out
Prompt from Fleur Lind Most days something special happens, and then I try to write down the amazing thoughts that cross my mind, but I my muse will not cooperate. So tonight I am fighting back. Yes it’s like having…
Open Letter
Prompt from Roger Bultot Recently I have been frustrated by my writing. I find myself able to develop material, but not in a vein that I find satisfying… I have therefore reluctantly decided to stop posting material,… until I get…
Sweet as honey
Prompt provided by Alicia Jamtaas With a beautiful coat Autonue believed she was a princess… But she was being told that her duty was to work hard, to carry and fetch as required. She really felt undervalued. She watched as…