Cold but safe

Alcatraz had nothing on this place. A red brick hovel that has never been warm. Icy cold drafts percolate into every nook and cranny. We have done our best to create something. The rows of cardboard boxes, many several layer thick, look like tents. Pull back a flap and the mountains of old fabrics, clothes and shredded paper, hit one with their strong aromas. Soon joined by clouds of steam from the inhabitants of these fetid dens. But I am safe here from those who hunt me.

This is a new section for my slowly developing story centred around a character known as Benjamin Blue
I’m glad he’s safe. You create a great atmosphere here, I can see that place, smell the smells, feel the draft.
Thank you so much, being able to post on Friday Fictioneers is good therapy for me at the moment
A safe and Merry Christmas to you, Michael.
Iain, writing at the moment is good therapy for me,. Wishing you also the compliments of the season. Mike H
Dear Michael,
You set the scene well, as well as tension in the last line.
Shalom and Merry Christmas,
That last line hits the mark! Sounds like an interesting character.
Thank you so much Clare,
Nicely done
Thank you so much
I spent so long clicking pictures of traffic lights, palm trees etc for reCaptcha I almost forgot where I was. Lovely story Michael. Happy Christmas
I know the feeling Sandra, I all to often loose track of place and time.
Very atmospheric.
Dawn.. Thank you so much, Mike
Like others have said, I’m glad he’s safe within the tent city. That’s a beautiful holiday wreathe! What’s the scoop on Benjamin Blue?
My brother in law makes a superb wreathe for us each Christmas… Benjamin Blue is the last child born on old earth, upon his shoulders rests ???