Watching from afar

So much variety you are amazing creatures but so deadly. Yes I watch from afar, for you are my stock in trade. My teacher said just sit and study them, there is such variety. They may drive you mad, but do not let on, and you might learn, for they offer abundant material for the budding writer.
Me …? Well I am many legged and have the most beautiful patterned coat, yes I am deadly when hunger calls. But then that is true for all. But for now I watch, but if I bite you, you may dance the Tarantella.

Being observed by a spider is an unnerving thought. Nicely done.
So pleased to hear from you, thank you Sandra
I can cope with spiders, but not if I was to learn they were actually malevolent!
Iain they are rarely malevolent…just frightened or hungry.
Dear Michael,
I’m not a big fan of spiders to begin with. This is just plain creepy. And you may take that as a compliment. ๐
Compliment very gratefully received, thank you Rochelle
Oh, I liked this chilling take on the photo prompt, Michael.
Susan A Eames at
Travel, Fiction and Photos
Susan I am so pleased that you liked this. The tarantula said not to chilly please. ๐
Well done; the boots on the other leg this time.
That is so true Patrick, the watchers are the watched
Any spider I catch watching me is going to die. And even if they’re not watching me—yup. Take no chances, take no prisoners ๐
Poor spiders, they always ran away if given the chance, my granddaughter says thatโs not true ๐
This story is creepy and the idea is good.
You really should use Grammarly, Michael – it will help you with your punctuation, which will help your readers enjoy your stories even more – because they are good. You have said you have trouble with it. I use Grammarly myself! Just a thought, for you to take or leave.
Sorry Dale, I struggle to turn the computer on some days. I did look at Grammarly, it frightens the pants off me ๐
You just install it and it does all the work for you!!
Sounds good, Dale
I like this! I think spiders are kind of cool…as long as they are not actually on me. ๐
I agree Sascha.
Its bite is nothing personal, which makes it that much more chilling. Good story, Michael
That is a good point, I do appreciate the feedback, thank you.
You are welcome, Michael.
Some spaces just aren’t built for sharing
It feels like space is at a premium these days. Perhaps when we head to the stars ?
Cool story, neat POV.
But I can’t believe how many commenters want to kill our fellow creatures!
Thank you so much for the compliment sir. I say run spider run when my wife sees one.
Don’t mess with the spider. Great use of P-O-V!
Poor old spiders, they have a job to do. Thank you for the compliment
I think it’s the many legged part that creeps me about spiders. But, they have a part to play. Hope there’re none nearby who are hungry. Very creative story and POV!
I like to think that their many legs are to help them run away,
Oh boy, how many of them are watching me now with hunger on their minds… ๐
Very few I hope,
Time to shoo the unwanted guest out the door. Bye, bye spider.
But spiders prefer to be indoors.
So creepy!
Being on eight legs means we have to creep, itโs all about control…
Deadly plant this is. It appears not to hesitate to eat human flesh when hungry. Don’t make it angry or keep it hungry.
All plants can blossom if given the right environment, spiders are just the same.
A bit chilling.
I personally prefer keeping away from spiders.
Sorry to chill the air, but perhaps spiders have eight legs to run away.
Nice riddle. Im guessing a black widow, though the first paragraph led me to believe your narrator was a human student of Arachnids, and the last line suggested tarantula.
Learning that he, himself, was a member of that class made me think how believable this was, for what else would a spider do with his time, but think and observe and philosophize?
Or should I say “her?”
You are right to be confused about the narrator, I was myself… Watching from cafe windows, studying humanity, I feel very small, rather like a philosophising spider,
It was a very pleasant confusion.
A creepy story with good writing, Michael. I hope there are no extra mean spiders out there. My dad wouldn’t let us kill spiders as they kill other insects. ๐ — Suzanne
I feel the same about spiders as your dad, nurture nature is my mantra.