The Wrong Command

Zorran turned towards James and indicated that he should enter an empty cell. James lifted his gun. Zorran smiled and the gun disappeared. In this moment of theatre Spock used his Vulcan nerve pinch on Zorran. Around the room lights dimmed and doors opened. James smelt fetid air and saw pulsating tubes. Then he heard Spock command the craft to return him to Shakespeare’s Theatre.
Unfortunately James found himself standing on a stage in the year 1606. Two dim lights lit the scene and Lady Macbeth lay dead at his feet. A dagger touched James throat. Where was Spock when you needed him.
Dear Michael,
A bit disjointed story of time travel. If I didn’t know from the last story I wouldn’t have a clue that this James was 007. Imaginative story, nonetheless.
That is so true, I am hoping to finish this story next week, then stitch them together. I have learnt that Sci Fi is difficult for me to hone into one hundred words.
And now some Shakespeare and Macbeth in the mix – it’s getting very complicated! 🙂
That’s very true, I am hoping to finish the story line next week, then stitch the four stories together.
🙂 Hope it is James Bond and Lady Macbeth in the next edition. Please give a suitable prompt Ms RWF.
Yes please Ms RWF, if only so I can get James out of my mind!
Spock and James make a great team… and now there’s time travel. Poor James.
James is in real trouble now.
Goodness – how you’ve made SUCH a lot happen in 100 words!
Thank you, but if only I could get to the finale.
Looking forward to next week, need to know how James gets out of this last predicament.
No need to wait, I had to finish the story and get it out of my head. So posted it today on FF, Sorry about the ending, I will be rather frustrated with myself, if a better ending turns up later.
Out of the frying pan…
Definitely, now I am in the frying pan, I had to get this story out of my head, so finished it of and posted the finial piece of the story today on FF.
Haha,,such cruel irony!
wow, what a story. i don’t know whether to cry or laugh, but i enjoyed reading it.
Thank you for your thoughts on this story. I had to finish the flow of this group of stories. to get it out of my thoughts. So have posted another story this week called Depicting Images, I am uneasy however about the way I have finished this group of stories
That’s one place to wriggle yourself out of.
Hi Bjorn I wriggled out by posting a second story this week called: Depicting Images. However I am not settled about the ending of this story.
James is finding himself in quite a problem. I never worry about 007, though. He always knows what to do. He’ll outlive us all. Good writing, Mike. 🙂 — Suzanne