
The silence was profound, Donald had never been anywhere so remote before. He usually travelled in crowded coaches, usually to attend some party. So to find himself standing in the midst of moorland with nothing that was familiar to him. It was frightening. The ground sloped downwards, Donald drifted towards a darkly coloured valley. A colour which as he closed with the valley, resolved into a large herd of highland cattle. No longer alone, it was to time for Donald to locate shelter and hopefully who ever the cattle belonged to.

A new formate was presented by WordPress when I opened the site this morning. I am not sure if I can work with this new format. Unsettled I will attempt to produce something worth posting.
I had to search to find your post for the prompt this week. The site kept taking me back to your home page, but I persisted and finally found the right story. Kind of an odd setup.
Sorry about the site set up Linda, it foxed me also. … I did set out to write a very different type of story, but I absolutely struggled to make the word press site respond, and so ended up in a muddle
Aw, too bad. Maybe you’ll get it figured out by next week 🙂
I will be doing my best to fix it, if not I will have to call in an expert.
Good story. As Linda said, the link on froggy takes us to your front page and not your story.
Sorry about this weeks set up Sascha, it foxed me also. … I did set out intending to write a very different type of story. However I absolutely struggled to make the word press site respond, and so ended up in a muddle
Sorry you had one of those days.
Thank you Sascha
Methinks you need to redo your link, not all of us will be willing to go searching!
The owners of the cattle must know where they are? When they come to round them up, they can include him!
Hi Dale, Sorry about this weeks set up, it has foxed me also. … I set out intending to write a very different type of story. However I struggled to make the word press site respond, and so ended up in a muddle
It can be a shock to find yourself in the middle of nowhere, particularly if you’re a city person. You got this.
Thank you Sandra, I set out intending to write a very different type of story. However I absolutely struggled to make my word press site respond, and so ended up in a complete muddle
I’m not sure why but I imagine Donald entering a fairy ring. You captured the atmosphere.
Thank you Tannille, I set out intending to write a very different story. However I absolutely struggled to make my word press site respond, and ended up in a muddle, I need a fairy to weave a little magic and return my WordPress site to its normal appearance.
WordPress found the fairy ring… it would explain a lot.
Bit of a change, do him good!
I set out intending to write a different type of story. However I absolutely struggled to make the word press site respond, and so ended up in a muddle, I felt like I had been dropped in the middle of remote moorland
does his last name happen to be trump? he seems to fit the bill. 🙂
Hi Plaridel, Now I see the link, well spotted… I set out intending to write a different type of story. However I absolutely struggled to make my word press site respond, and so ended up with a rather muddle story.
Ah, found you! The ground sloping downwards doesn’t bode well.
Here’s mine!
Hi Keith, I did set out intending to write a different story, but I absolutely struggled to make the word press site respond, and so I ended up in a muddle
Dear Michael,
He does sound a little disoriented. And speaking of disoriented, I fixed your link so others will be led to your story without having to search.
Rochelle you are too good, thank you so much… I did set out intending to write a different type of story. However I absolutely struggled to make my word press site respond correctly, due to many elements on the pages being changed. I ended up in a right muddle.
Hi Michael
Rochelle’s fix of your link has worked, and I came straight here from froggy land. It’s a good story. I love the moors, and their silence/not silence. Because although there is little manmade sound there, there is s great deal of natural sound. There’s usually perceptible wind noise. The sound of insects in summer can feel deafening. And if you really focus, you can hear a grazing animal from at least twenty metres away.
Your story works well, especially if you were feeling all in a muddle.
Hi Penny I am still in a muddle….The page that I use to write and post flash fiction, has changed radically. So I was grateful to read your comments. I do walk my dog quite late, many sounds of the countryside seem exaggerated at night.