Clapperboard Shot One

The buildings appeared pressed together, the nearest a smithy radiated hammer blows. A small structure fed by an overhead rope way was receiving buckets of ore. A hefty hawk eyed fellow drifted nonchalantly in my direction. I noted that he was swinging a substantial hammer. ‘What ye want here, y’d best bugger off… if the boss see’s thee, y’d be falling into the stone crusher. It appears that my family may have gone rogue. Morality never featured high in their business dealings. Fingering a loaded blunderbuss, I stopped, as my twin brother appeared. ‘The new film’s going well I see’…

I loved the sense detail of the smithy’s hammer blows radiating
Thank you Neil, the prompt took me to Cornish tin mines, faulty geography,
Seems like an action movie.
Audience will love the drama!
The prompt took me to Cornwall, faulty geography. Then my muse mixed up details from history. So a film seemed the least damaging way out of my dilemma
You set the scene beautifully.
The prompt took me to Cornwall, faulty geography. Then my muse mixed up some details from history, so the only way out seemed a film !
Nice details. not sure the film will get to the end though…
The prompt took me to Cornwall, faulty geography. I do agree, for my muse then mixed up facts from history.
Things got a mite tense there for a moment. Nice tension building, Michael.
It is kind of you to say so. I got mixed up with this story, so the films been dropped
I like this.
Thank you so much Dale, but I got somewhat mixed up with this take on the prompt. So the film’s backers have withdrawn their funding.
Great story.
Sadly the backers of the film have with drawn the funding. Errors in my script
I liked the idea that his family had gone rogue.
Thank you Penny, my muse got rather tangled with this story, so the backers of the film have withdrawn their backing… My ability to comment often trips me up too. But such is life
Dear Michael,
Good job of setting the scene. Lights. Camera. Action.
Thank you Rochelle, my muse rather tripped me up with this post, I had intended to write something a bit different
Nice one Michael, I like how you slipped into the local lingo!
Thank you Keith, unfortunately in reality writing any regional dialogue is beyond me
I enjoyed the movie twist!
I am pleased to hear that…Thank you,
Loved the take on the photo prompt 🙂
It is good to hear that…thank you
I love the descriptions and the movie twist at the end 🙂 nicely done!
Thank you Fleur, I was pleased to read your comment. Mike
Great setting of the sene, I almost got a bit scared there. I’d watch that film.
What a lovely comment, thank you
You had me guessing for a bit. I’d love to see this in a movie 🙂
Hello Linda, thank you for your fine comment
Nice one! And … I am almost sorry that it is a movie set … 🙂 So, good job! 🙂
Thank you Na’ama, I am hoping that as a film set it has more stories to tell.
Looks like an action packed trip.
Action packed it may be, but I am unsure how this story will develop