The Eagles Nest

A mixed bag.
As Storm climbed higher in the Alps, she felt Issy’s call to her strengthen. With the day light starting to fail Storm began looking for a suitable place to settle down for the night. There was a suitable ledge to her right but it was occupied by a pair of eagles and their nest. For a moment Storm saw three eggs as the female eagle stretched. But the eagles started to making hostile moves, so Storm climbed higher.
At last she saw a suitable vertical face, it would have to do, as the light was fading. Storm positioned carabiners and nuts to hold her portaledge securely. Tonight she would sleep nine thousand feet above the valleys below. But by tomorrow she would need to have finished her climb. If she failed in that, the Force would have closed the ancient entry to Diamond. Storm would need to be moving by dawn if she was to locate the entrance to Diamond and and gain entry. Then she would be closer to finding Issy. Even if the canals of Diamond ran right around the inner globe, like a massive network of underground car parks.
Nice follow on. This has the makings of an epic quest.
Thank you Iain, it could be epic, if Storm can find the entry point to Diamond
Something’s brewing here.
Unfortunately it seems so. Thank you Neil
Aah, good you decided to write more on the Diamond. This was not cluttered at all, unlike the previous one, and had me hooked.
A story is slowly gathering itself together. Whether it will behave it’s self, only time will tell.