Rooted by Decree
Once again WordPress will not let me upload the prompt picture by Liz Young, so for the moment I have provided a picture of my local church, taken in the springtime .
I stand between the mountains and the ocean, with my feet rooted in the sand. The ocean in time will undercut my foundations. Yet the mountains will keep my heart beating with their beauty.
Politician’s and law makers bow your heads to nature. Human’s are meant to travel. Who are you to say no. The mountains are natures Kings: and yes the Ocean is a Queen. Both call to you and me for the freedom to travel.

A heart-felt cry
Indeed Neil, indeed it is.
I have to open the image in a paint program and then save it as a jpg before I can load it to my site.
Thank you for the tip, Trent. I will keep trying,
You’ve probably already done this and found you have some jinx, but just in case…
If you right click on the picture you should get a dialogue box. One of the options is “Save image as”. Save to your Pictures folder. With new WP blocks, click on the paragraph symbol below the title. From the dialogue box click on the image icon, then select the image you saved in Picture. When you’ve opened your image, don’t forget to click on the paragraph symbol below the picture, and select paragraph so you can enter your text.
Penny, thank you for the tips, they are what I am doing. Except that I use my trusty old iPad, so no right clicks.
The time will come, but in the meantime the next great destination is the living room. Maybe we should all plant a tree in there and see how big it is when we get out!
What a great idea, I have planted quite a few trees in my lifetime. I have been surprising how quickly some have grown.
An indoor garden!
Though I guess it’ll be a passing trend before many actual gardens show up.
Always an outdoor garden for me.
I love this. Being forbidden to travel. unless one can prove being injected looms on our future. It’s horrible.
Linda, To some extent I feel let down by the political class, many of whom seem to travel widely using their chosen career
If you click on the image, and then click on the image again when it reappears, you should see it as full screen, when you can save it as jpg with right-click.
I agree it shouldn’t have to be this hard.
And now I can’t post this comment!
Hi Sir, thank you for the tips, unfortunately I do not have the ability to right click. At present I use a ageing iPad
Oh, to be able to travel again. My feet have never been as itchy!
*I do what CE said!
Thank you for the update Keith. I am lucky to have a good garden, however I am also itching to go visiting, near and far.
Hang in there Michael, it’s looking good for the summer, in the UK at least.
Iain, I do hope so. I took a car for its MOT today, it passed, but it had done less than a thousand miles since last year. I thought I would have a take away coffee. ‘Wrong’ … for I had cash, but however had left my credit card at home! The coffee shop will not take cash. So instead I sat on a step in the sun. Nice but boring…
I echo your cry, Michael. You use beautiful imagery.
Jenne, Until lockdown, I did not realise how many conversations I took part in each day. I did once have an ability to chatter.
Eloquent of what many are feeling, the sense of entrapment. I do hope things change soon.
Dora, I had not really realised how many times a day, I would talk informally. One of my few abilities has been to be able to chatter!!!
One day soon the freedom to travel will be ours once more (hopefully).
I certainly hope so. Unfortunately when a freedom is lost it can be a right struggle to get it back
I remember what it was like to just be able to decide, on a whim, to go elsewhere.
I do worry that the virus has been used to deny that
What a beautiful story, and I share that wish. But…
I’m having trouble with Lizy’s and other Blogger accounts as well and, like Trent, had to chase the image through another program and save it under a different name. There’s something unsafe about Blogger that the Browsers, or WordPress, don’t like.
Sadly I do also not cope with Blogger…. As for WordPress it was so easy to use, but now it is not.
Other than those brave or foolish enough to travel, I think we’re all going a little stir crazy.
Have you tried copying and pasting the URL? That’s how I do it. It accesses where Rochelle has it uploaded. There’s no downloading or uploading involved. Just click on the picture until the address in the address bar ends in .jpg Highlight all that, copy it, then paste it where you want it on your page.
Possibly brave, but in some cases just thoughtless perhaps. I am grateful for your tip about highlighting the jpg. I only hope that my memory holds that idea firmly.
I feel the same angst, I want to travel. But, it will come soon, have hope!
Angst is right, Today the national new hinted that travel to Europe this summer might be off!!! Whilst as I get older the insurance companies want a lot of gold bars traveling their way.
A heartfelt plea. You’re right – we evolved to travel – it’s in our genes.
At the present time, I am concerned that many around the world, do not seem to care about the minions under them
Travel is a must!
Have you tried saving the photo to your computer as a jpeg? Or simply doing a copy and paste?
Thank you Dale, I am looking forward to tomorrow’s challenges.