A Bed Time Story, from Old Ireland

Prompt photograph from Lisa Fox.
Now listen son, I told you do not fly at night, for you might fly into a dragon…
The dragon turned the heat down, for he did not relish roast bird. No true vegetarian dragon did. He switched off his furnace, then blew out his tubes so hard that the north wind rattled every tree in Ireland.
However the bird stayed put, just a single tiny feather appeared to remind the dragon of the birds irritating presence. As the dragon breathed in deeply, another bird arrived. Singing, please sir let my son go, he meant no harm.
Indeed Mam I would like nothing better than to send he on his way. Please do call him… The dragon opened his mouth wide, and the mother sang a song of love. And a red breasted Robin was born…

Very Just So
Good to hear, Robins love tormenting Dragons
Awwwe this is a lovely folk lorish tale.
Love a nice dragon being annoyed by a little bird. Cute
Thank you Laurie, the Robin always seems such a brave bird to me
So that’s where they come from! Cute story, Michael.
Thank you Jade,
What a fun, upbeat tale. Dragons, robins, and a feather. I love this.
Thank you Alicia, my muse felt I needed to brighten up ,
A lovely child’s story which I will read to my granddaughter next time she is here.
Very sweet write, Michael.
Thank you Nancy, reading to children is great. A very long time back each night I made up stories for my own children, I now regret not writing them down.
A pleasure to read, Michael. Truly.
Thank you so very much Sandra,
Ah! This is how children’s stories should really be, vegetarian dragons and brave birds. Loved it!
I am so pleased, thank you so much.
Who doesn’t love fairy tales? This was lovely, Michael.
Thank you so much Dale. Over fifty years back I enjoyed telling my children nighttime animal stories, sadly I never wrote them down.
Lovely little story!
Thank you Angela
Dear Michael,
What a lovely folk tale.
Thank you Rochelle