Quietly waiting for:

I was so cold despite all the colours of the rainbow that clung to the back wall. Even the piano seemed frozen in time, lid up, candles half used, wax solidified like pillars supporting the arches of a cathedral. Half empty bottles lined the bar, each label seemed to tell its own story. Lost in amongst the grander bottles was a small gold coloured bottle of barley wine. I was home. Even the bar tender appeared lost. Dropping a pound on the bar I called for my tipple, before the flames of hell grew around me.
I’m not sure I understand where the flames of hell come in, but I liked the timeless quality
I saw the ghost like figure behind the bar, my drinker has taken his last drink, and hell is beckoning.
Ahh. Thanks, Michael
Ooh, lovely description, giving the place a mystical, supernatural feeling. I dread to think where that bottle will take him … Great atmosphere, Michael π
Thank you for your very kind comments.
My pleasure, Michael π
Dear Michael,
Wonderful descriptions. Perhaps he should turn and leave rather than having his tipple. π
Thank you Rochelle He’s unfortunately had one tipple to many and died
That bar sounds like a couple I know in the east end of Glasgow!
What a story…to find a home where everyone else is lost. Beautifully done.
Wow. Stay out of bars, period. π
A knockout, Mike. Well done!
A bottle of barley wine as your last drink. What a way to go! Very colourful tale, Michael.
Make mine a Chardonney.
Each one to their own.
They have a drink in China called firewater. I wonder if it’smade with barley wine?
Annie RIP – my short story
I’ve never heard of barley wine. We know the stuff as beer… Great atmosphere and description.
In the 1960s my supply of barley wine came from a small brewer, it was a strong ale, quite potent stuff really,
Thanks for the info, that’s fascinating. I looked it up, too. Technically it is beer, but with much more alcohol. I’ve learned something new, thank you. π
Leaves you wondering…
I did not get the story to quite flow in the manner that I had hoped for.
I guess the word limit curtailing your flight into heights of imagination!
True yet the word limit also stops me drifting on for ever
Ohh that’s a nasty end!
I am hoping that he gets a reprieve
I’ll admit it. I got lost. Reading the comments helped. Otherwise, I would have never figured it out.
Sorry, you are right, I was drifting, sometimes I forget that I am putting my writing out there to be read. Mike
I had to read the comments to get it as well!
Wow, what way to go!
It certainly might be, for I knew his drinking companion very well.
Yikes is right.
Greetings, MH!
Very vivid. I wasn’t quite sure where MC was headed with that drink (or why) but had a great time following him to the end! π
Greetings mom who runs, even I am not to sure what he is about to face. Mike
I am not sure even I or he knew where he was heading that day
Gives new meaning to something to die for! Could the speaker actually be in purgatory or in some limbo awaiting reincarnation.(I guess it all depends on your religion.)
That would be one interpretation or it might be his last drink before going into a battle which he can not win and he knows it. I had several different endings in mind, thank you for commenting mike
Nothing like home! Love the image you created!
Thank you so much. Mike
Now I’m wondering why he’s on a way station to hell. This would be a great hook for a longer story. I hope he’s just dreaming. Good writing, Mike. π — Suzanne
Now you have got me thinking, about how I can add this character into one of my longer story’s.