Travelling high up

Fortunately Captain Wisoff-Fields sent out a runner to check the way ahead. She spotted a band of redcoats travelling our way. There was no alternative, we would have to travel light and take the high road. Quietly drawing us together she gave us the order, hide all non essential items. Within minutes our steeds where set loose. Heaven only knew where they would end up. Meanwhile we took to a narrow mountain trail. Sure of foot and lightly loaded, we would outpace anyone attempting to follow us. It would be good to breath the mountain air again.
Footnotes… No post last week as I was helping put on show… Now I am ‘almost’ tied to the house. So the phone will get lots of use, as I check up on friends and family. More than ever I am glad to be able to write. To all who read this attempt at flash fiction, look after yourself.

If it looks like a post and walks like a post and quacks like a post it’s a post. It made me smile
I believe that a smile is a good thing, thank you Neil
Travel sound great. But, on another date!
For now, we must all be tied to our homes and maintain social distancing to keep the coronavirus at bay!
We will enjoy traveling even more than before, when the restrictions are gone. Stay safe.
Dear Michael,
Glad the captain is on the ball. 😉 Breathing fresh air is always good. Thank heaven for social media so we can at least get out electronically.
To me the captain is always on the ball, thank you so much. Stay safe.
Must admit I am looking forward to self isolating, great time to write… The circumstances are dreadful…
If we are forced to isolate, it is important to try and use the time productively. For some sadly that will be hard. Stay safe Tannille
Thanks M, you too!
Fleeing the dastardly redcoats!
Yep, I’ve been to Butlin’s too…
I did smile at your reply, thank you. We could all do with a little red coat cheer…
Look after yourself as well.
Thank you Colline, these times are very hard. Stay safe
Perfect time to write… silver linings and all.
Write and catch up with friends by letters or any other means available. Stay safe Dale.
Yep! And go crazy and have real phone conversations!
Here’s to writing and connecting!
(and to staying well)
I am using the phone and writing letters, sadly many of my older friends are not connected. It is such a very difficult time for many.
Yes, it is a very difficult time indeed!
Hang in there and I hope we can all of us find ways to be connected with others in our lives – by phone or mail or email or chat or any combination of the above.
I will attempt to do that… I do not have much skill at commenting or letter writing. But I have started sending cards and letters, or phoning those of my isolated older friends.
We can all only do what we can do, as we can do it, within the limits of the energy and possibilities we have. There’s no right or wrong way, no one correct way to manage any of this. Any caring connection with others in a kindness is something that makes a difference. You do you! Stay well across the pond! Na’ama
Nice little snippet of an old-fashioned military adventure. Stay safe Michael.
Thank you Iain, these are strange times. Look after your self.
Don’t fear the redcoats. In Star Trek, the guys in red are always the first to die.
These are strange times, in some ways after like some Star Trek episode’s !
I like your metaphor of we Friday Fictioneers as warriors under the command of Captain Wisoff-Fields. 100 words is certainly travelling light!
Thank you Penny, a good captain can be hard to find, we have a good one.
I’m glad you got a good leader to show you the way. Thank you for the well-wishing. You do the same.
Having a good leader in times of trouble is so important. We are fortunate to be writers, for we can make use of periods of inactivity
… and the connection to the prompt is …?
Tentatively a high place. I writes what come to mind and leave it for the reader to decide.
Stay safe Mike, nice little adventure piece
Thank you michael, look after yourself.
You’ve got the mountain air and I have the sea breeze, and there’s no way I’m giving that up for weeks on end!
I was out at midnight, walking my dog, it so quiet. The air was so fresh. I love the sea and will sorely miss the opportunity to spend time at the sea.
I hope there are lots more posts that make me smile this week. Yours certainly did 🙂
So pleased that you smiled, smiling is so valuable. Stay safe