
Joseph watched the oceans harsh power battering the land. It reminded him of the battle that his family had resisting the invasion. Images of friends and family dying beneath the crushing force that had attempted to steal the land. Joseph’s sisters had been sent to Ireland, to keep them safe. In hindsight that was for the best.
Now Joseph was traveling the fetch them home, but to what, the family house was destroyed, their farm littered with burnt military items. The stench of death in Mariupol, filled his nostrils.

How many will ever get home?
If Putin has his way none. He wants Mariupol as a military base for his naval
Dear Michael,
I’ll try this again.
If it’s an ocean you saw it’s all good. It doesn’t matter what you’re looking at, it’s what you see. 😉
Will anyone be able to return home. Sensitive story. Well done.
Thank you Rochelle, I did set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
Very topical Mike, the full horror is only emerging, and is sadly ongoing.
Thank you Iain.. I did set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
When I think of the years of recovery yet to come for the war-torn survivors, my heart sinks.
Me to. . I did set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
You’ve written a well-constructed story, Michael, and it tugs at our heartstrings. I hope Joseph and his family are able to rebuild in Mariupol.
Thank you Penny, I did set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
Such a tragic, and all too real story, unfortunately, Michael. You told it well.
Best wishes,
Thank you Rowena.. I did set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
Such a poignant story.
Thank you Sandra, I set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
A timely tale, sadly.
Thank you Keith, I set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
It’s heartbreaking to see what the Ukrainian people are going through and how much devastation and deaths all around. I hope that Putin and his military are charged with war crimes. It’s going to take years to rebuild the country and so many lives. Well written story, Michael.
Heartbreaking indeed.. I set out to write something different.. but the situation in Ukraine is terrible and my muse took over
I love where you went with this Michael. That you focused on the blue in the snow to make you think of the ocean is great. They are going through such hell over there…
Thank you Dale, I set out to write a flash story about over the sea to Ireland, then my muse took charge of me
A sad situation all round. The only way to stop the war is to concede the Donbas. But this will never happen in the short term, or ever. More hell to follow.
Hi James, I do believe that the Russian people have the drive and strength to stop the war,… but only if they see the the wrong doing of their army!
That’s an impressive photo, and a heart-rending story. Good job.
Thank you Linda, war is indeed heart-rending. I am concerned over now the world media is failing in its coverage of the atrocities
If only they could go home already. If they can, they will rebuild, better and stronger than before. Whatever Putin does, he cannot break these people.
The Ukrainian people are a proud and determined people, and yes given half a chance they will rebuild their nation stronger. But will Putin back down!
The terrible realities of terrorizing invaders and the dream of home.
Thank you Na’ama, I set out to write something else but the terrible events in Ukraine took hold of my muse