On Vacation

The sand is gorgeous, every colour of the rainbow,. Lord it is good allowing my feet to penetrate the rippling patterns. But what was I doing here, this was the prison for Saturn’s bad boys. I remember visiting Lord Evie’s abode. When the formalities where over, his daughter was given the job of showing me their realm. Right posh it was. We stood watching the sunset, It was magical. I was so emboldened. So I went to see her father. Asking the question. Could I. Next thing you know I was here. Yes it is beautiful but there are no lassies …

Dear Michael,
Apparently her father wasn’t too keen on giving his daughter to this man. Nicely done.
Hi Rochelle, I hope that you have alternate swimming pools available, Mike
So much for carpe diem
It is rarely safe on Saturn for one to try carpe diem
Perks of getting over-excited & planning ahead!
Father made sure that this person’s idea remained just – an idea!
This prison has no one to show him around 🙂
Anita, you are so right. I am now wondering what will happen to my young dragon and how to get him freed
Overplayed his hand I think. Still, seems like a nice place.
It is a nice place but a prison is a prison, now I have to get him pardoned
Was it the daughter or a share of the realm that came with her he was after?
I think that he was just to young to consider either, now I have to arrange a pardon for him
I may take a parenting leaf from this father in the not too distant future!! 🙂
Parents are naturally protective, my protagonist was just inexperienced, I am off to organise a pardon for him. Wishing you well.
Oh dear. That did not go as he had hoped…
It certainly did not,… but hopefully he will learn
Beware of the Saturn lords (and their daughters). Maybe he’s reached a bit too high. But then, there are worse prisons.
True, fortunately Saturn has an enlightened view about prisoners,
Poor laddie. Doesn’t Saturn know that every laddie needs a lassie?
On Saturn a laddie has to learn the proper way to go about courting, and not upset the parents.
If he’s lucky he’ll serve a short stint them be deported. Good world building that could be expanded.
Sadly on Saturn being in prison is always a life sentence, this poor laddie picked the wrong potential father in law
Love this ♥️
Well thank you so much, but on Saturn love can lead to unseen challenges. I am still working on how to get him out of Saturn’s prison
No lassies? Oh no! I could almost feel my feet sinking into the warm sand.
Warm sand beneath feet is a treat, but I am told that Saturns sand can be rather cold.