A One Sided Conversation

Get away, leave me alone, you devil, why do you keep picking on me. Go away damn you. I know you want to leave this place. But its been my home for years, I know every hiding place, every cafe, every good spot to doss, even the police leave me alone, so why do you have to bother me. Go away damn you. Let me sleep. You are Ok in your fur coat. Can’t you bugger off and catch a rat or two. Be off and leave me be.
With thank’s to Sophie at Filmore and Union for the original idea.

Dear Michael,
I’m not sure it was your intent, but I saw a hobo tormented by a feral cat. I learned a new word, too…doss. Thank you for that. 😉 At any rate, I enjoyed the one-sided conversation.
Hi Rochelle, you read it right, I saw the cat as wanting to take the hobo away to the country for a holiday
Is Sophie a cat?
Sophie is a great waitress and a budding writer, she served my coffee this morning. I asked her view on the prompt picture this morning. I intended to write about a conversation taking place at a window behind the glass. Sophie saw a vagrant in the picture, hence my story. Mike
There’s a lot of warmth to be had from a cat or a dog in the night. Good one.
Thank you Sandra, my collie agrees with you, as I do.
Nice voice, Michael – heartfelt from a man who just wants to be left in peace. And that’s some serious barrista action there too!
The coffee is great at Filmore and Union. And the barista artist Anna fab.
Nice story Michael. I can see others walking passed avoiding the homeless man arguing with a cat.
At first when I started this story, I saw the hobo as drunk and hallucinating; but then the story rewrote its self, to a lonely man talking with a stray cat.
Fine soliloquy. Has character potential. Nice writing, Mike! 🙂
Thank you so much
I can see the hobo-man shooing away the cat even as he wants the fury critter to stay. Nice work.
You saw it as i saw it, thank you. Mike
Great voice, Michael
Thank you so much, Siobhan
I agree, great voice, Michael.
Thank you Neel
Both stories are great, the prompt, and the frame. I’m glad he has the cat in his life, maybe he should listen to her.
The cat wants to take him to a healthier life style, a friend indeed
I can imagine this fellow muttering away to himself (well, to a cat, but still…). Nicely done.
Thank you Draliman
I missed the cat, but I saw that mumbling vagrant wanting to be left alone.
Thank you Bjorn, I saw the cat as a surrogate guardian angel.
Nice voice, the cat sounds pesky but well meaniing
Hi Michael, that cat was as sharp as sharp, and wanted out of the city.
He’d miss the cat if it did go away I’m sure.
…when I grow up! My tale.
Thata so true they would both miss each other
Poor hobo. He has to fight, even with a cat, to have a place!
I think that the cat wanted to take him to fresh green pastures.
Yes, go away but please stay! Lovely take, Michael.
Thank you so much Dale
The lightness of this story masks a dark tale. Nicely done.
Thank you so much, what you said is so true.
A very pragmatic take. Homeless across the world often inhabit Rail yards.
Thank you Yarnspinner, many many years back, all to briefly I worked with people who were down and out, it was an interesting time.
You cannot help meeting them here.
Them cats they get everywhere
Well this went totally over my head until I read the comments.
Cool story.
In the 1960s I had employment which brought me into close contact with the ‘gentleman of the streets’, they were usually looking for a bed for the night, then to be left alone. To some degree my story was unclear due to my being to close to the subject.
Thank you for sharing that with me.
We can get used to the most horrible situation once we settle in our minds that it is okay.
Sadly that can be true, in the 1960s when I had quite a lot of contact with the ‘gentlemen of the streets’, alcohol was a major problem.
I was right there watching him talking to his cat. Perfectly captured.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Mike