Under the stars

After a day spent in the garden, which now begins to look tidy. I spent the evening writing letters and phoning isolated friends. Here in Yorkshire I can now breath deeply as the air is much cleaner. Empty roads allow solitude, whilst the shadows are deeper. So I listen to the bleating of the lambs, and the rustling of a hedgehog, as the smell of spring drifts on the air. No planes are scurrying overhead, I see the night sky as it should be. The hue of the night is magical, Jupiter so bright. John Ruskin (1819-1900) would approve.

Beautiful, Michael.
Thank you so much Neil,
This is simply Idyllic and lovely, Michael.
So pleased and grateful to read your comment. Thank you Rochelle
There are some silver linings to this mess.
Yes a terrible mess for so many around the world. I am fortunate to live where I do.
Lots of people are talking about how lovely and quiet it is without all the normal traffic, hustle and bustle, pollution, etc. And I’m enjoying it, too. Just wondering when the economic hammer is going to bust up our nice quiet life.
I can only hope that we learn or are guided! to turn this terrible disaster into something positive.
i hear you load and clear. i’d visited west yorkshire sometime ago. 🙂
Thank you so much plaridel,
Time to appreciate things we are blessed with, but in these hectic times often overlooked.
Here’s mine!
Thank you Keith stay safe.
John Ruskin would approve and so would I, well written Michael
Thank you Michael, stay safe
That sounds lovely and idyllic. Nice one!
It is kind of you to say so.
In this “getting away from it all” is the smartest thing to do. What a beautiful place to get away to.
That is true, I count myself as very fortunate
Beautiful, well penned.
Thank you very much Susan
Lovely, Michael. It is the one good thing that is coming out of this mess.
Thank you Dale, just possibly other positive things will also come out of this situation. I have been pleased to see more families working together
I have to believe some will.