The News Today

Here lies Mr Acharya baker extraordinaire.
He died in the prime of his life.
He was found sitting holding a tray of fancies.
The work of his two former indentured trainees.
The baking tray was missing two fancies.
Later today police Constable Patal who had attended the scene first was also found dead.
It is rumoured that the police are looking for former employees Reyansh and Sahil. Toxicology from both Mr Acharya and Constable Patel indicated that they had ingested Cyanide.
Reyansh and Sahil where seen heading south. It is thought that they will try and return to Kerala
Footnote: I am running very late at posting comments and slow at posting flash due to a heavy cold. Hopefully normal service will resume soon. Mike

Hard to be sure, but I reckon the butler did it
Thank you Neil. Sorry that I am not commenting much at the present time due to a bad cold
Why was Reyansh and Sahil kill Acharaya? Did they not get their salary?
Thank you Abhijit, Patal and Acharya where responsible for their kidnapping and indenture. They have just found out that their mother has died from a broken heart.
There is more to this story…
I hope not Dale … many of my rescent attempts at flash have resulted in an on going serie of stories.
I hope you feel better soon, Michael! Intriguing story with a lot of layers and backstory.
I do appreciate your feedback very much Thank you Brenda,
Well as long as your sure it’s just a cold, and you haven’t been sampling fancies…… Happy New year!
No definitely a cold, no fancies for me, Happy New year Violet
Very interesting read. Get well soon.
I was pleased to hear that. I hope you have a good new year
Have a good, healthy New Year too.