The High Life

Dacia employed only the best, so rather than go to prison for life. She had worked out a rather nice little scheme. If only Jim had died with his balloon. Instead he had returned home just in time to save Jessie from the wolves. Jessie’s evidence condemned Dacia.
In prison Dacia had taken a near lethal dose of nerve toxin. Whilst the hospital doctors attempted to save her. Her instructions to Johnny had been clear. Use the cloned body. Stupidly the nerve toxic had been too toxic. Johnny had seen to that. Cryonics that was the answer.
Footnotes: My apologies if I am slow replying to comments this week. The coming week is chock a block.
Sorry if the link is a little tenuous, but who knows what goes on in the city at night.

Now you’ve entered the realm of philosophy. Would the cloned body still be her?
That is a question that will need to be sorted in the future I reckon
Dear Michael,
Imaginative piece. However “wolf’s” is not the plural of wolf. Try “wolves” on for size.
PS. That really should be “Dacia had taken” not “had took.” and Cryonics. That was the answer.
O dear my rural roots are showing, took changed to taken. Dacia has appeared in a couple of my futuristic stories. Cryonics was the method I used to get her into the future. Sadly the affects of being in storage! made her anti-social behaviour much worse
Wolves fits nicely Rochelle, thank you,
I could well imagine that somebody who was sufficiently determined to survive that they opted for cryonics would be totally unscrupulous in ensuring their own comfortable survival. You use your imagination well in this story, Michael.
I was so pleased to read your comment, thank you Penny
Agree with Penny–great imagination–I think you put too many different characters in such a short piece, though. I was confused, had to read it three times to get it sorted out. I think I finally did 🙂
I did go overboard with the number of characters this time, sometimes I find to much material to fit in the word count. I grateful that you preserved and allowed me to understand how this story came over. Mike
Whoa, what a ride. Crime, Science Fiction, relationship, all packed into 100 words makes your story fit the image perfectly.
I was so grateful to read this feedback, The prompt picture really made me work. Which is good. Thank you
Wonderful twists and turns.
Twists and turns, it really pleased me to read that. Thank you.
Very imaginative!
This prompt picture really made me work at finding a story line to fit, so I was pleased to read your feedback, thank you. Fatima
I think cryogenics might work in the end… novichok doesn’t leave you with a choice, does it?
I reckon that it does not, novichok was top of the list as I wrote this flash story. In the end I did not name it as I was unclear about its longer term effects. Thank you Bjorn.
Another intriguing tale that gives us lot to think about, the whys and wherefores etc.
Thank you Sarah. You have hit on the hub of this story line. I was working out a characters past life.
There’s loads to think about in this one Mike, well done
I do find that certain characters grow and demand more of my time, Dacia is one of them. Thank you Michael