The flag

High on a flag pole flutters a flag. Once its emblem stood for warfare. Many where doomed by this standard, when lords and bishops roamed under it. Today it still casts a shadow, but the lords and bishops have been ousted by financiers and capitalist barons. Drovers have been replaced by motorised chariots, cobblers by food banks, charities flourish.
In a doorway lies a homeless man. In a bank a hungry child cries. Depression floats like treacle in the air. The flag flaps in despair, bending to the wind of change. Yes a white rose flutters in the wind, as cold stones speak of deeds in the past.
I wonder had Wordsworth’s “White Doe” not been beheaded, how different a tale might these stones tell. Had the Rising of the North succeeded, the white and red roses may have joined together. Such a joining may have ousted the power house that is London. Allowing more balance within these fabled lands. But that door was closed in 1587.
I apologize to my regular readers, at the present time I am struck in a rather philosophical grove. I hope to return soon to my more usual style of fiction.

I liked the style Michael, although the present state presented like a bleak future is more non-fiction present at the moment.
Hi Iain, I have been struggling with my most recent posts. My muse has been pushing me down a path which at present I fail to handle well.
You appear to be more in a historical mode, than philosophical 🙂
Reena, I am glad to see your comment. Yesterday I saw the shadow of a flag, which set me thinking. You are right that there is a great deal of fact and history in “The Flag”. I was attempting to put a philosophical twist on this flash post. However as soon as I had posted it, I felt unhappy with it. But as they say, the deed was done.
We write what we feel Michael, so how can any of it be in error? The mind needs this opportunity to clear out feelings and organize the thoughts. Write what you write and we will enjoy accordingly!
What a thoughtful comment Joe, I think that you are right, I sometimes have to produce material to clear it out from my subconscious muse.
Yes, the same here Michael.
I think that perhaps many writers do the same
Listen to your muse. I am convinced she has a wonderful journey in store for you. I liked this piece Michael and enjoyed the historical nuances, so no apologies are necessary.
It is kind of you to say so. As I read more about history, I understand the limits of my knowledge. Yesterday evening I attended a talk about the Commonwealth War Graves. Fascinating but also so sad.
Love reading and learning about history. You are correct much of it is full of torture, strife and incredible sadness. You have to dream and look past all that to find the hope.
When I think about history, I see so many millions of individuals, each having a story to tell. The courage that so many who faced adversity show, doe offer hope for the future.
Better out than in, Michael. I liked the piece.
I love history, but with “The flag” It felt like I had two differing stories vying for first place. I am grateful for the supportive comment.
Nice story. Has much changed from days of Lords and Bishops to present day capitalist barons? One used to kill with sword, the other kills by piling on debt. Poor were helpless then, as they are now.
I am glad you commented on this story. Sadly many people around the world are still disadvantaged by abject poverty.
No need to apologize Michael. Stories have a life of their own. Only a writer can understand that writers have absolutely no control over what they are writing. If something wants to come out, it WILL come out even if it has to kill you in the process 🙂
I was so pleased to read your comment, thank you.
A thought provoking piece indeed, particularly the ‘what if’ reference to the white and red roses.
Thank you Keith, I was pleased to read your comment.
Do what makes the muse happy. Thought provoking.
Mostly my muse and I agree, but when we don’t things get difficult.