The Bridge

The blistering heat had driven the people of the city indoors. A lone dog lay in a stupor on the hot pavement. The lizards had long ago given up warming themselves and returned to their lairs, whilst the birds had retreated into areas of dense foliage. Even the church bells had fallen silent.
The thunderous roar reverberated across the city, unseen a section of the bridge fell into the river. A wave of super hot air blasted the leafs from the trees, tiles from roofs, then turned the river to steam.
Benedict pulled the disk from his computer then grabbed the phone, he just had to phone head office. The Aliens might conquer the world and crush the opposition. But first the console game would need a new name.
Footnote: My inspiration for this weeks prompt came from resently viewing a group of pictures Pompeii.
Interesting play on reality. Well-written.
Thank you so much. It is always fascinating how we all respond to the photo prompts in such differing ways.
It is fascinating!
Glad it was all just a game in the end! Nice descriptions of the heat at the start. Well done.
Hahaha! It all seemed so serious and then at the end, the great twist that it was all a game! Great story, Mike! I enjoyed this.
Great read! Enjoyed the twist at the end! 🙂
Thank you, it is great to read all the differing ways we respond to the photo prompts
A very immersive game, that can get me to feel the oppressive heat just from reading about it! Now I want to know what the new name will be…
Well, that’s different! Nicely done.
My story is called The Stranger
Hi Keith, I enjoyed reading The Stranger. I did post a comment about how I liked the images it created and how it led me to think about St Francis.
Love your take on this.
Loved your feed back. Mike
So nicely done….from tranquil to chaos….
Thank you Michael. Chaos it was.
love that your protagonist was so good at prioritising his tasks!
Thank you, I wish that I was good at that. mike
Thank you, I wish that I was good at that. mike
Life on the edge!
Sadly for too many that is so true. Games are being played and politicians seem unable to work for those in real need.
Very interesting piece. And loved that the protagonist had his priorities right.
Thank you Neel,