Storm to the Rescue

Storm could feel the psychic pull: but Issy had been sent to Diamond. In Issy’s case the force had allowed no leeway. Yet Storm understood that those who paid the Force had a choice as to which destination they when to.
Storm turned her back on the surface canal system and Force’s head office. Now she had a mission: rescue Issy. As she made her way to Alps, Storm went over what she knew about Diamond. Importantly the canal system there mirrored the system on the surface. Now all Storm needed to do was locate the entry piont to Diamond…

This reads like the beginning of a sequence
You are right Neil. Quite a few years back I did write several thousand words about Diamond World
Seems to be the start of a much larger story.
Or perhaps the swan song, of a story that I attempted to write several years back.
Am I missing something?
Alice, there is no hidden message. Several years ago I unsuccessfully attempted to write a novella called Diamond. Today I attempted to rekindle my interest in the story.
Dear Michael,
have to admit this is a little hard to follow…too many names packed into 100 words. I get it that Storm has a dangerous job ahead of her. Might be the right time to take that novella out and rework it. Time can put distance between us and old writing. When we come back to it we see new things. Yes? Bravely done.
Hi Rochelle, I pruned and pruned and distorted what I had. But in so doing I rediscovered the dystopian world of Diamond. I do agree that there to many capitalised names.
Thank you Rochelle, I pruned and pruned, and distorted what I wanted to say. But having said that I have rediscovered the dystopian world of Diamond. Yes there are to many capitalised names.
Definitely feels like part of something bigger.
It seems that this story does risk turning into something bigger, like a full length novel. Ouch…
You’ve left us wondering and wanting. Get to work on that novella.
O dear, what have I got myself into, It seems that I have the bones of a full length novel floating in my head. Ouch
The signs are pointing you towards completing the story, Michael.
To true, for this story will not leave me alone, it nibble and nibbles away at me.
I know that feeling. Good luck with it.
It sounds like we both need a little bit of luck, to complete our writing.
That left me thoroughly confused Michael . You need to let that Diamond story come out on paper, the way it wants to 🙂
O dear, it seem I have that bones of a full length novel about Diamond floating around in my head. Ouch
A challenging read yet an intriguing one! Interesting.
I do agree with challenging Keith. It feels like I have the gist of a full length novel floating around in my head. Ouch…
You’ve given us a strong female character in Storm – Yayy! That immediately predisposes me to want to read this novella about the world of Diamond.
Storm and Issy will have to be strong individuals if they are to take on the Force who administer Diamond. I have the outline of a full length novel about them floating around my head. Ouch…
More questions than answers here, Michael.
Time to start writing!
O dear, what have I got myself into? I have the gist of a full length book about Diamond floating around my head. Ouch…
I agree, too many names/capital letters. But I think you have the germ of something here. Have you got the time?
The time but perhaps not the energy. Time will tell.
This sounds like a seed to something much larger.
A seed is right, even a sapling, for I have several pages of suitable material waiting in the wings. So now all I need is the drive to write.
Oh, you HAVE to finish this!
I really wish that I could, for this story is like a brain worm, nibbling away at me.
Well, my goodness. Feed it!
I am not sure that feeding is required; for Storm seems to have energy to spare. But have I the energy?
I like intriguing. Thank you.
This has a James Bond feel to it. The tension and suspense, the start of an adventure, come across clearly.
I am so pleased to be thought of in the same sentence as Ian Fleming
Interesting story. I would have benefitted from some backstory, but in 100 words that is not possible. Hopefully, you will write some more with these characters.
Thank you athling, you are right about the back story. I hope to post some of it today on ‘Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers’.