Benjamin and the Blue Ai

For Benjamin the nondescript housing offered anonymity, whilst accessing oceans via the river supplied everything needed. Benjamins task might have taken him a lifetime. However he ‘now’ had Blue to guide him. As Benjamin added components, Blue reorientated them… Blue linked with the Internet, and adapted quickly.
The world received instructions… The first decree, No waste from humanity must enter the oceans…

I wonder has the Blue Ai started seeking revenge
A fascinating story. ‘Blue’ is a great name for an AI, and I’m hoping our future AIs are as benevolent and helpful as this one is. I’m hoping.
Thank you Margaret, I think that Ai’s will be as good or as bad as whoever is caring for them.
Never sure if AI is good or bad thing, but I like the first decree from Blue Ai here. If only our own human leaders could make such a simple decision.
Thank you Iain,. Sadly our leaders seem powerless at the present time
I foresee floods and tsunamis
Neil, yes perhaps tears will be spilled,
I’m still not comfortable with the idea of AI, especially after watching the movie, I, Robot”
I’m always worried when AIs come into the mix. It would be great if they are only used for good and not programmed to every turn against us or become evil.
Dale, yes, Ai’s are so unpredictable
Dear Michael,
I’m not very trusting of AIs myself. We do need to clean up the oceans for sure.
Rochelle, we neglect the oceans at our peril, as for Ai’ technology it is very unpredictable
Benjamin and Blue are off to a good start. I wonder how they will enforce their decree…
Enforcement is not Blue’s way, however other Ai’s may play dirty,
A good decree. Fascinating story.
The blue Ai is wondering how to encourage compliance
There is SO much trash in the oceans and waterways, we need AI to step in because man won’t stop or clean it on their own. I vacillate about AI, because it’s man who programs them. Thought-provoking piece, Michael. Well done!
I very much agree, Brenda,. Ai’s will one day program themselves
I can’t say I’m thrilled about AI, but I hope some good comes from it like in your story. The oceans do need our help! -Angela
Thank you Angela,. The oceans and their inhabitants definitely need us to stop waste pollution entering their realms
Sounds so simple, yet humans seem incapable.
Indeed we do seem incapable
There’s an AI I can believe in.
This story about Ai’s has grabbed my muse. I am grateful to read your feedback. I am sorry that I am rather poor at offering feedback myself.