A special day

Stuart with a stethoscope and a dozen student nurses in their uniforms. Cameras clicking. The deed was done. Taxi called. Going to the restaurant, you felt sick, I said turn your hat upside down. Now we are sat in a circle dinning on oriental cuisine.
Time to leave, trains will wait for no one. Destination reached. This is lonely spot. The cool night air invigorates, but the rough track plays havoc with high heels. Farm reached and a cold straw bed and spam sandwiches await. Tomorrow: I promise we will dine at the pub in Edale.
I have spent the last few days printing part of my copious writing, from deep within my computers hard drive. Each piece printed is like a familiar long lost friend. But how did I come to write so much… One particular batch linked together is almost the length of a novel !

Dear Michael,
Hope the pub is better. I’m a little confused by this, to be honest.
Sorry, Michael, me too
A lesson has been learnt. I was far to cryptic. The nurses where the brides guard of honour
Hi Rochelle, Sorry for the confusion: the nurses are brides guard of honour.
Those were the days. Dining out and being sick in your hat
The sick feeling was due to the shock. Ie what had the bride let herself in for.
So… one person observing the patrons around him? Or one person with a bunch of thoughts going through his head?
Hi Dale, the later, ie me a writer being far to cryptic. I should have taken more time…The nurses where a brides guard of honour
Yeah. Confusing, unfortunately.
Confusing: That’s was my experience of the late nineteen sixties.
Little snippets of a memorable night it seems to me.
Spot on Iain, my wedding day. The nurses where a guard of honour for the bride
You’ve certainly made the hideaway an unattractive place, especially with the Spam sandwiches. But good for you, doing all that printing. I certainly hope you have a good supply of in cartridges 🙂
I also hope that the cartridges last. The farm was damp and cold. The spam, well spam is spam. At least pub had a roaring fire
I’m glad you found a source of happy surprise and satisfaction in your computer.
That is kind of you. I can’t believe that I have written so much.
That’s what writers do, Michael 🙂
That is true. But it still surprised me… throughout the first half of my life, I was unable even to write postcards or letters etc. However when I received a word processor [1998] everything changed
Give me the pub any day.
If only they where open….
It sounds like that restaurant is more trouble than it’s worth.
Some restaurants are, but the farmhouse was much much worse.
I must admit I needed the expanations to undersatnd it but once I did it worked. Probably just a case of needing more than 100 words.
Thank you Micheal, unfortunately I forgot that I was to close to the subject matter. Which you are right about, it did start out at around two hundred words in length. Mike
Sounds like a nice day to remember.
It certainly was a day to remember. Thank you Sandra
Good Diary of a Corona Day! I like it – you are very clever and cute story!
Thank you Nan