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Smoke and Mirrors

Photo copyright: Jodi McKinney
Photo copyright: Jodi McKinney

Autumn had come early to Charlotteville, Joanne could feel the nip in the air. The letters from her parents had unsettled her. Yes she knew the families history. Their journey to this world that she loved so much. Now her parents had found the portal which would enable them to return to Narnia. The portal had ended up in a junk shop in central China. Heaven only knew where it might appear next. This might be her only chance to visit the fabled world of her grandparents. Yet she loved living in Charlottesville. Now she truly had a dilemma. Should she travel by the mirror to Narnia, or stay and fight the evil which was polluting Narnia’s twin world. As she watched the sun burning away the mist, a fence appeared; on one side lay beauty, on the over was a highway to the battle against evil. She loved her parents, yet knew that she had to take the highway as her destiny.

A detail from a map.
A detail from a map.
This Post Has 16 Comments
  1. Joanne is stil looking at the magic mirror? What. is the point if she does not follow its direction? Good that she has decided to do something on her own. Let the mirror do its own stuff.

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