Homes for Heroes

The government said that it must be so. Start building homes for the returning hero’s. But it takes a lot of skill to construct communities. You can’t just plant houses. You need a thriving store, a great school, places to meet and chat. And above all varied employment opportunities.
As the trucks lumbered in with their ungainly loads, the local population moved out. No one wanted to rub shoulders with the radioactive oddities that returned from the Saturn debacle. Earth had failed to defeat the dragon lords of Saturn. Now those same lords demanded recuperative homes on earth.

Nice bit of misdirection, Michael. I don’t think inter-communal relations are going to go smoothly here. I’d advise the Saturnians to wipe the Earth clean
I think that might be their plan to.
Imaginative tale. Hopefully.
Hopefully in the coming years we will leave the dragons on Saturn alone.
Dear Michael,
Imaginative story. You had me thinking of tiny homes for returning vets. Then you turned the story on its ear. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle, I was surprised myself with where this story took me.
Creative sci-fi story.
If aliens do land up, they are going to either use humans as slaves or just wipe off the entire population and enjoy all the raw-materials for themselves.
Anita, we earthlings need to tread lightly as we move out into the universe
Great twist Michael. Hopefully by the time we’re attacking Saturn, we’ll have learned how to treat veterans properly and realised how to build communities better!
Better still if we do not abuse the dragons lords of Saturn. Glad you liked the twist, I was not expecting it when I started writing
There goes the neighborhood… Nice twist
Having dragons for neighbours certainly seems worrying, Trent,
Your title had me expecting a story about WW2, and the use of prefabs to house returning servicemen. It was much more fun to read about Dragon Lords!
I was very pleased to read your feedback, when I started writing this piece of flash, Saturn’s dragon lords where far from my thoughts.
Those Saturnians may end up sicker than when they came. Do they have masks big enough for dragons?
I like your comment however Saturn’s dragons have fire in their throats. The virus stands no chance,
I hope it never comes to pass, although that dragon is very pretty.
They where going about their own business, until we decided to mine on their planet… Pretty they may be but they are also formidable fighters
Why would they want to settle here? Are they immune to viruses?
Hi Elizabeth, the virus stands no chance against the fire in their throats. And they rather like drinking gin
Excellent twist, Michael. I was not expecting that!
Neither was I when I started writing. Now I am wondering if the dragons of Saturn have more to say.
Ah, one can always fill the homes with orcs. I hear they aren’t particularly picky. 😉
The dragons of Saturn have evolved beyond Orc’s, the dragons usually are quiet and reclusive.
Bad news for earth, good news for Saturn dragons?
Time will tell, although the dragons are usually calm and relaxed
Very creative! The second paragraph definitely takes you by surprise.
Thank you Nancy, it also took me by surprise when it arrived
Excellent Michael, you had us all fooled!
These dragons from Saturn are thoughtful but clever and not to be taken lightly
I so love this! I’d like to learn more about these dragon lords. Great fun, Michael. Fooled me, too, of course.
I have the feeling that the dragons from Saturn will have more to say.
A very creative piece of misdirection. Well done!
Thank you Brenda.
Love what you did with the prompt. Very creative and well-written, too!
I appreciate your feedback, thank you. Mike
It’s the beginning of the end for us, I fear.
I do hope not, my muse has not decided the outcome
it was an ending i didn’t expect. what a cleverly disguised twist
Thank you Plaridel
Hopefully, these houses are fireproof! An imaginative take on the prompt.
These dragon are proud of their self control. However they like earths cold fresh air, so they only require empty half houses