Hey lad what are you doing

Hey lad, I asked you where be you going. Tim stopped swimming and looked around for the source of this new voice. Much to Tims concern a rather hairy elongated dogfish was staring at him. The creature smiled at him, and in a cold voice, suggested that Tim should follow him into a bank of seaweed. Reluctantly Tim followed his new friend Malcom. After what seemed an eternity the forest of seaweed gave way to a clearing, in the midst of which rested a rather hungry shark. The DT’s had a real bite today for Tim.
Footnote: DTs = Delirium Tremens.
Dear Michael,
It sounds like Tim needs to spend some time in rehab. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle. Tim is a new character who I created yesterday: then he was a child in my post to Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. His childhood adventure was called ‘The Strid on the Wharfe’
Yikes! Too real for comfort. Never having experienced DT’s, I can only imagine. I hope that shark is just a nightmare 🙂
I also have never experienced them, but rather a long time back I nursed people who were in the midst of experiencing them. Thank you for the Yikes.
But the glass is half full!
There are plenty of empty ones lying about the floor.
You shouldn’t go swimming after drinking. (OK, if I remember correctly the DTs are more withdrawal symptoms than drinking symptoms, still…)
You are so right on both counts. As I see it the paraphernalia of past drinking binges are lying around Tim. As for Malcom he is preventing Tim from getting to the alcohol.
That was some wine! 🙂
I’ve had a few night where I’ve ended up like this without any wine…whoops!
Well done.
xx Rowena
Barley wine worked wonders for me.
If Tim is true to form, I expect that it was mixed with other types of alcohol.
Ah, yes. That would do it!
That wine must have been spiked with a little extra something-something…
Tim really liked to mix things up a little when he went on one of his drinking binges.
Whoa that was a creepy vision. I didn’t know where this story was heading, the reality at the end was a punch in the gut.
Or even a bite.
This was creepy. The last line was the shocker.
When in the distant past I was nursing people with DT’s I knew worse! I do appreciate your feedback Neel. Thank you.
It was good how you portrayed the effects and experience of DT. Nicely done
Thank you Michael, I am saving the spider type of DT’s till a later date.
A totally unexpected take on the prompt with an insight to DTs. Good work.
Is what I like about flash fiction prompts, they encourage me to fire off such varied tales. I thank you for your positive feedback.
Yoiks! It sounds like Tim needs a stint at the rehab center. Nicely done.
He certainly does, thank you for the feedback, it is appreciated.
I hadn’t known about Delirium Tremens before reading your story. Unique take on the prompt!
Thank you for your comment Magarisa, In my youth I regularly nursed people withdrawing from severe alchol abuse.
You’re welcome, Michael. Nursing people withdrawing from severe alcohol abuse must have required a lot of patience and compassion.
You’re welcome, Michael. Nursing people in withdrawal must have required a lot of compassion and patience.
Thank you Magarisa
You’re welcome!
Lots going on here!
That will do for me. Thank you Dawn.
Oh! Poor guy. Is the shark real?
In one version of my story yes, in another no! The inspiration for the version with the real shark comes from the book by Charles Kingsley Calle the Waterbabies.
Ah! I haven’t read that one. Should read it, I guess.
Psychosis is never fun. I feel for your character. Hope he recovers.
Psychosis can create dreadful situations, and devastate lifes.