A report on the earthlings

Few saw it coming, those who predicted a catastrophe, could do nothing to prevent it. It was time to leave planet earth. In fact it was a case of go, or die. Planet earth became a human free zone.
Humanity was forcibly spread around the universe. Most ended up working underground on Diamond. Perhaps for those of you who are not familiar with the Diamond planet, I should offer the opportunity to take a brief glimpse into one of the many earthling dormitory blocks that pepper Diamond… Dark unsavoury squalid islands, yet seeded with hope. Need I say more…

Me, I’d pick a planet with a balmy climate and good beaches
Me to, but the earth people where given no choice
Dear Michael,
Imaginative, cautionary tale. Cute sketch. Who’s the artist?
Thank you Rochelle, my entry this week was very much a chop and cut exercise. The drawing was done by me to illustrate a sci-fi story,
Don’t much fancy ending up on Diamond myself. Might look around and see what else is available.
Sadly Iain the dragon race offer us humans no choice in the matter, but do not worry a revolt is afoot. But only if I can report on it…
A sad but true commentary.
Thank you Antony, fortunately so far I have not been allocated to Diamond, …
An allegory on colonialism, Michael?
Now there is a thought. In a very roundabout way perhaps.
A good time to have extraterrestrial skills that can expand options.
Maybe, but when the ‘dragon lords’ requisition humans for other duties, the humans are never seen again, however a revolt is starting.
Yipe! Glad humans are resisting.
Doesn’t sound to me as if the earth people had much choice about their destination!
No choice at all, Linda.
Diamond doesn’t sound great but it has one saving grace, Hope
I guess that hope allows them to fight on.
Poor universe. At least most of the pesky humans are stuck underground on one planet, out the the way.
That’s true until they break out
There is, in fact, a diamond planet somewhere in this universe. Only problem – completely uninhabitable due to CO and CO2 atmosphere and gasoline rainfall. Very imaginative take, Michael.
Thank you Varad, hopefully the gasoline has been siphoned off.
Earth might be better off with out humans…
But who would save it from marauding meteors
I opt for Earth two. Or … well, kick them other invaders off planet and take back Earth. Who’s with me?
I am with you Na’ama
🙂 Here’s to the ERU – Earth Resistance United! 😉
Well said, your membership number is two. I have reserved number one for myself.
Does this mean you go out FIRST to confront the aliens? I’ll be backup … 😉
Certainly not, as leader I am only responsible for giving guidance
LOL! I think we need to coordinate our agenda better … 😉
Diamond sounds like a most unpleasant place. We humans better step-up!!!!
Stepping up is very dangerous, but fortunately for this author several characters are stepping forward