A gentleman

Now Jimmy a small gent, was always seen in the company of his cycle pulling a trailer. It’s distinctive sign told you all that you needed to know. Pots and pans mended. Knifes sharped. Jimmy was a fixer by trade. Give him a leaky kettle and he’d put a neat patch on it. He even understood that modern thing called electric, and would put a new flex on a Iron in a jiffy. Yes Jimmy was sadly missed the day he passed on. A spoon of real life was he… His smile opened many a bedroom door.
I’m Back with hopefully a sack full of new stories, after a fine holiday traveling around New England and Quebec. Now only time will tell if new stories are waiting in the wings. For today’s offering is a snippet from many years back.

Loved that last line!
I do not always remember to think about how I let a story ends, yet it is important, so I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Jimmy seems like a handy man to have around, in more ways than one!
The ladies tell me that he certainly was.
A smile to open a bedroom door – now there is an asset indeed. Happy homecoming, Michael.
Thank you Sandra, a smile can often be welcome
I think I’d have liked that Jimmy! And my Mama would’a had some sheers for him to sharpen and an kettle to patch besides! 🙂
If only I could sharpen sheers my garden would look better. Thank you Na’ama.
🙂 There’s always good reason for sheer hope … 😉
Love your choice of career, keep up the good work. I will watch out for your flash stories, sadly I am not a sharp commenter
I do love my choice of profession and life-work, as well as how it ties ever so neatly into my love of words and writing and nature and science and people and … 🙂
Made me laugh re: sharpness … I beg to differ, but even if so, being blunt isn’t such a bad thing, sometimes, either … (especially when blunt can co-exist with kind…) 😉
Happy to have you read and comment!
Dear Michael,
It seems Jimmy was more than just handy at fixing things. 😉 Welcome back.
Thank you Rochelle, I enjoyed my travels around New England and Quebec
Seems like Jim could fix it, no matter the problem!
He certainly knew how to bring a little happiness into someone’s life.
An enjoyable character study of an interesting fellow. May he rest in peace.
He was an interesting character, I enjoyed writing about him,
Sound like he got payed in something else than money…
Very true Björn , money is not always the best option
Hope you enjoyed your travels and welcome back. Look forward to your many new stories. Great descritpion of your character, Jimmy. I’m sure he will be missed.
Thank you Brenda, New England and Quebec where interesting. Patching and repairing is a valuable skill when money is tight.
Men like Jimmy will always be missed. Jimmy helped solve problems with a smile.
People who can work miracles are always appreciated. Thank you Abhijit
Love the last line! Jimmy sounds like quite the character.
Thank you Draliman I enjoyed writing about him
Tinkers have gone the way of rag and bone men, And those fellows with berets and bikes and strings of onions. I loved “His smile opened many a bedroom door.”
Neil, you have me thinking about ‘knockers up and and night soil men’, which means more stories in the pipe line.
Love that final sentence!
It is good when things come together, thank you Liz
Good at this, that and the other! Nice one Michael.
Thank you Keith, suddenly I have a raft of stories about the past.
You’ve written an engaging portrait of Jimmy, the fixer. And your last sentence made me laugh!
So pleased you laughed, laughter is good,
he seems a real handyman indeed. many a kid in the neighborhood must look like him. 🙂
Jimmy’s are great to have around. They are always missed when they are no more.
Lovely take, Michael.
Thank you Dale, I will have to travel more often, I spent three great days in Quebec while on holiday last week.
Really enjoyed this one…brought back to mind growing up in small town New England.
I have just returned from traveling in New England, Boston to Quebec travelling up the Old Canada road via Portland, then back to Saratoga, very enjoyable.
Welcome back, Michael. It seems Jimmy will be missed for more than one reason. It seems those people were good at keeping secrets or Jimmy might have passed long before. Well written.
Thank you Patricia. Individuals like Jimmy were much valued, he must have been a secret worth keeping
I liked your take on the prompt, focusing on a character not in the picture. A good link between Jimmy’s passing and the passing of time.
I can’t see a old kettle without recalling some of the stories I heard as a child. So much is changing these days. Writing such stories is a pleasure.
Sometimes it’s fun and fitting to dust off the old stories 🙂 Welcome back!
Thank you Linda, I will have to look up a few more, perhaps about the night soil men. !
Excellent. As others have said, that last sentence is a kicker! 🙂
Love the term kicker, thank you Sascha
My momma would have been a-standin’ at that bedroom door!
I guess many welcomed his visits, he brought sunshine into their life’s, always welcome
It seems Jimmy was more than just practical but saucy and crafty to boot. A right character. 🙂
Thank you Micheal, it was good to write about such a character