Thinking on Diamond

As she climbed higher Storm thought back to her last visit to Diamond. She entered that time via the portal at La Gomera. Her mission to harvest the manager of the thermal power plant. The manager had started questioning why the underground heat exchange unit had not been upgraded to a deep space solar unit. Neither the manager or Storm had known that the company was secretly using the the plants power to develope a much deeper underground layer called Painite. When Storm next saw Claudine, she noticed that the managers eyes had changed from pale blue to orange.
Footnote: When I saw this week’s prompt it reminded me of a road that I once used in La Gomera. La Gomera is one of the Canary Islands.

Whoa! Harvesting the manager sounds so creepy. And the change of eye color! Yoiks!
Thank you Alicia, I do find myself playing with the story about Storm. As for the change of the eyes iris colour, I have a few ideas as to where that is going.
Interesting. Looked up Painite. Wondering how come you used it in this tale.
Hi yarnspinnerr, I do find myself playing with this story featuring Storm and Issy. As to Painite, I have an inkling that the Force organisation is in part funded by gem stones. However I am still looking for a better title to describe the new underground layer/world that the companies is constructing.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
That’s a lot of story in a hundred words! I too liked the word choice ‘harvest’ – very eerie. Interesting tale Michael
Thank you Lynn, I was pleased to read your comment about the word ‘havest’ as I was initially concerned about using that term.
My pleasure Michael.
I’ve spent many an evening watching the sunset over La Gomera. Lovely!
I am jealous, I only had one week there, I had always expected to return, but so far have not managed to do so.
A piece of mysterious ScFi that made me wonder how they got there.
Thank you James, this particular story has been brewing/developing in the back of my mind for about ten years. But it was likely birthed by a visit that I made many many years ago, to a group of ‘cave houses’ when I was around ten years of age. The houses were at that time still in use!
Did anybody else notice the dramatic change in the manager’s eye colour, I wonder? Or are they all too frightened to say anything? The Force organisation sound pretty ruthless.
Thank you Penny, the colour of these individuals eyes are ‘changed’ by the underground level in which they reside and work. In the longer version of this story the reason would be clear
Dear Michael,
The change in the manager’s eyes is a sure sign of something sinister.
It sure is Rochelle, in a ‘much longer’ version of this tale, the reason for the eyes to change colour would become clear. Thanking you for all your continued work in maintaining FF and commenting
The organization is even more evil than we thought.
Evil and ruthless it appears. However the story is far from complete, so only time will tell. Thank you for your comments and following the story so far.
I don’t think I’d want to be harvested. And orange eyes? Great story here.
I do hope that this story has true grow potential. For I find myself developing more and more thoughts about the underground worlds created by the Force organisation. I thank you for commenting on this story which may not be to everybody’s taste.
I’ll be interested to know what you come up with.
No good can come from eyes that change like that… and harvest… eeeuwww…
Thank you Dale, I was pleased to read your feedback, as I feel that this type of story may not be to everybody’s taste.
Really intriguing.
Glad to read your feedback, as I had felt that this story might not be to everybody’s taste.
I think with eyes like this… something is happening… Canary Islands and Madeira are similar in many ways
That is true, on both accounts. I was pleased to see your picture, for it allowed me to run with my story about the Force organisation and the management of their underground domains. Thank you Björn.
Scary and I’m not even sure why. Well done.
What made it scary for me was the word – harvest -. But I am more scared by the raft of ideas about Diamond which keep surfacing.