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Dear reader, you will know how it is, you purchase a computer, then acquired the knowledge of how to use it. All seemed as it should be. Until you went on line.
You found a plethora of information and web sites. You start browsing, all seems well with the world. You switched off, only to switch on the next day. Days move into weeks and you are hooked. You think about extending your reach, start writing stories.
You found EBay. A parcel arrives. A printing press, not yet. But perhaps it’s time to consider purchasing one. You consider self publishing. If I could go back to the sixteenth century and self circulate a manuscript. It might happen.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I wonder if I would be more successful if I was self-publishing in the 16th century!?!
Thank you Iain, I guess in the year 2020 we are self publishing on Friday Fictioneers
It’s all been downhill since they abandoned oral storytelling and illuminated manuscripts for the allure of that Mr Gutenberg
You may need to be investing in the parts for a time machine so you can find out.
I do wonder what people would make of today’s flash fiction in the sixteenth century, if a time machine could take me their, I think I would have very many more stories to write
Novel take.
Thank you Sandra,
Ah time machines … Sometimes I want one, sometimes I’m like … nah!
I smiled when I saw this comment, thank you.
That was a good one, Michael.
Thank you Dale
Dear Michael,
Nicely done. All the if only’s. How simple, yet how complicated things have become.
Thank you Rochelle, complicated but illuminated by electric, although I still love candle light
The world’s his oyster. If he can figure out how to make it all work!
They say oysters are tasty, thank you draliman
Very true, it might happen. Nice! =)
Thank you Brenda, candles and quills ready, but how do I make the ink
Love this. I’ve often thought about how the current digital revolution is – and is not – like the invention of the printing press and related methods for copying manuscripts. So many deep thoughts there. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Anne, I would need to learn how to make ink and paper, then learn how to turn feathers into quills. Still to watch a writer in action in the sixteenth century would be fascinating
Oh, but just think of all the marvelous things we’d have missed out on without Mr. Gutenberg’s amazing invention 🙂
Very true Linda, but it would be fascinating to study a fellow writer in action in the sixteenth century