
Magpie is a magical place, one can’t call it a shop because of what happens their. The items that arrive amaze me. Where should I start, perhaps with the Georgian settle, minus its cushions, but they will appears if you are carrying a book… or should I start with the array of battered suitcases, each have labels with unfamiliar destinations. Open a lid and you are transported to a different life. If you are feeling less adventurous rummage amongst the bewildering smaller items on display. A brass diving helmet with take you to the bottom of the ocean. My favourite you must guess.

Dear Michael,
A shop to fire the imaginations. Nicely done.
Rochelle, I visit the Magpie shop most weeks, but keep my hands in my pockets
Lovely idea Michael, if only it could be so!
Iain, if only, I do visit magpie most weeks but keep my hands firmly in my pockets
A lovely confection
Within Magpie it is a good idea to keep one’s hands firmly in one’s pockets
I’d like to visit that shop – sounds like a wonderful treasure trove.
A treasure trove it is, so it is best for me to keep my hands in my pockets
What a delightful concept! That would be a lovely shop to visit. Perhaps I could make it to Greece without having to go through Heathrow!
I am smiling, and staying away from Heathrow. There is a problem, for the suitcases take you back to the date that the label was put on…
Sounds like a lovely place to visit’
It certainly is, but I keep my hands firmly in my pockets…
I appreciate this calm but interesting take on the photo prompt.
Clare, thank you
I could spend ages in that shop, nice one Michael.
You could, but you might get carried away on one of the Persian carpets
A little magic never hurt anyone 🙂
It just may depend on where the magic suitcase or carpets carry you
A charming place. Nicely imagined. 🙂
Thank you Bill, the Magpie shop should get most of the credit
So many possibilities.
That is so true, the magpie shop is a writers paradise
My kind of place. Kind of like a holodeck with wings. Fun story, Michael.
A lovely description, thank you
What a great shop. I’d love to go somewhere like that to find story ideas.
I also regret that such shops are getting much rarer,
Treasure house with wondrous things waiting to be discovered!
My story-
Are You There? – Anita
Thank you Anita, in your story last week I saw several angles, including metamorphosis… and dementia. I read all the stories posted, but I often struggle with my muse when it come to commenting,