
Such dreams had I, but time waits for no one, if you intend to build, do it now.
Footnote; perhaps because of the recent terrible fire in London, in this prompt I saw a grave headstone;
Such dreams had I, but time waits for no one, if you intend to build, do it now.
Footnote; perhaps because of the recent terrible fire in London, in this prompt I saw a grave headstone;
Brevity has depth! Great!
Thank you Reena,
Amen to that.
Click to visit Keith’s Ramblings
Thank you Keith.
So true, Mike. That was a terrible tragedy. I saw it on CNN. In a horrible way it brought back 9/11 to me. Brief but good writing. —- Suzanne
Thank you Suzanne. I also thought of 9/11. But this tragedy feels so wrong for a different reason. To clad a tower block in material which burns is so very very wrong.
Very moving in such a few words, and very true as well. We never know when each day will be our last.
Writing flash fiction has encouraged me to prune, something I never was good it. Thank you for maintaining the Sunday Fiction site.
ALthough I am not able to write for myself at the moment – maybe when I am on the other side of my physiotherapy I will be able to – I still love reading what others have written.
I hope that you are soon back to being able to write. I do agree about being able to see how each writer has responded to the prompt picture
Unfortunately I am unable to read all stories in one week at the moment, so I am a week behind in reading them. I am hoping that I can get that through soon. I do have a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist helping me at the moment. So fingers crossed.
Do look after yourself first, as there will alway be time for commenting later.
Thanks Michael