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It was Time to Travel:

Photo curtesy of Phylor
Photo curtesy of Phylor: Time to Travel

Carlson decided that it was time to travel even though the snow still blocked the high pass. He asked Dominic to get the train in order, and to find Jum as she would know which was the best route to the high plain of Jirima. He told Dominic that they would be traveling light on a rescue mission, so speed would be crucial. Dominic was to select only the fastest and strongest members of the clan to make this journey, as Carlson had heard that the black wolf pack was in the area.Β With speed Carlson hoped that he and the team might reach and cross the pass before the black wolfs got their scent.

With a just a week’s food roped in place Dominic set the train in motion. Whilst Carlson advised those who remained, to close the village and return to the coast and await the spring. As the train started up the first incline a lone scout from the black wolfs watch them leave, then turned east, with news which would see him find faviour with the pack.


Footnote: My apologies for the link to this photograph is rather tenuous, this piece will become part of a long short story, a novella. Which I found myself writing the middle section of last night. When I saw the picture of the train station and a mound of snow, last nights story was rekindled. My train is made up of donkey’s. The story is historical fiction.


This Post Has 22 Comments
  1. Seems like they have a treacherous journey ahead of them and especially trying to stay away from the black wolf pack. I didn’t realize this was a photo of a train station. Great story!

    1. I think it may be a train station. I hope so, otherwise my story has no real link to the prompt. My travellers will find that their journey gets more treachous every few hours.

        1. I am sad to hear that, then again a large railway station can be rather noisy. Myself I like to take notes or write when traveling by train. Once here in Britain almost every town and village had a railway station, sadly very many have been closed, and built on. I was and am a great fan of railway travel if the railway is run right. Plus when I do not feel well enough to drive I let the bus or train take the strain. Mike

          1. I really haven’t had the opportunity to ride a train other than a tourist train that took people on a fifty mile run up the mountain. I would love to ride a train sometime!

  2. I won’t reveal the nature of the building just yet. I thoroughly enjoyed your fffaw. Will or is parts of your novella online/in your blog?. I am very intrigued from the well written segment you present here.

        1. You are right about not what we think as being a train these days, it is a train of donkeys, but all is really not what it seems, for I will insert this snippet of a story into a plan novella, called Dawn Rider. Mike

    1. For the longer version’s of this piece of historical fiction I am now wondering now should I have used mules or even more likely reindeer, I will need to put my research hat on. Thanks for reading and commenting, it is appreciated. Mike

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