Filleting Skin Heads

Such a glorious day, it did not seem right to be indoors sharpening knifes and filleting fish. We all agreed that as soon as college finished we would go for a swim. Four pm found us taking the narrow back streets to Blackpools main beach. We must have looked like any other group of local lads, with our neatly rolled towels underarm. When we were half way down Back Market St, a gang of drunken lads holidaying in our town appeared at the end of the street. There knuckledusters and bike chains glittering in the evening sunlight. If we ran some of us were going to take a pasting. Most of us froze. Then Dave spoke up, ‘lads we will give them hell – remember what’s in your towels – take hold of your best filleting knife – we have a job to do – boning Skin Heads. Knifes out. Charge.
Tonight I am not taking the tram home, instead I am sitting in a police cell.
Footnote: when I saw the prompt picture two stories came to mind straight away. This story is however not fiction. The fight did occour in September 1965. Only the last line is incorrect. As I did get to take the tram, with a large bottle of cider in hand.
Ps No Skin Heads were hurt in the production of this story, as they turned a ran when our razor sharp knifes appeared. I hate to think what might have occoured had they not run.
In the 1960s Wakes holidays were still taken in northern England. The lads from one northern city had a reputation for fighting if they had had to much alcohol. They were out for a bit of sport with us, knucledusters and bike chains were often used. But I do not recall knifes being used.
Thanks for that lesson into your personal as well as general history.
As a young lad I leaned towards being a Mod in my dress style, and that put me in conflict with gangs of the harder types of Skin Heads.
My gosh how frightening! Thank goodness ya’ll had your fillet knives with you and also thank goodness they turned around and ran! Great story Mike!
Thank you PJ, I am so glad that they turned and ran, in reality we were no match for them !
Note to self: never tangle with guys who were just filleting fish! Good on you for making the hooligans turn and run for it. Great story!
We were lucky, in reality we were no match for them. Training as a chef taught us how to use knifes, but not how to fight.
We were lucky, in reality we were no match for them. Training as a chef taught us how to use knifes, but not how to fight. But boning knifes look wicked,
We were lucky, in reality we were no match for them. Training as a chef taught us how to use knifes, but not how to fight. But boning knifes look wicked,
I did like the background to this one …..all that filleting came in handy eh?
Filleting knives saved you lot. Glad to know the last line was pure fiction. Great story, Mike
That is true, we had been asked to take them to college, so that we could be instructed in how to care for them, including sharpening them using a steel!
It certainly did, I can still bone meat and filet fish, but I never learnt how to fight, fortunately I was fast on my feet.
Wow! Loved reading this story, Michael!
Rosemary I am so pleased to recieve your comment, as I so nearly did not publish this story.
Filleting knives, boneheads, knuckledusters et al – this one has all the right material for a feature film.
If only, perhaps a BBC film,
One day soon ……. 🙂
I like the story and could see it play out. I am glad no one was hurt though, give the true, back story on it.
Going Home
Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~
Thank you Ann, as you say in ‘Going Home’ places change, and peoples needs change. Unfortunately in humanity the ability to cause harm seems as strong as ever.
Good you took a tram in the Sept of 1965. violence of any kind terrifies me.
Thank you kalpana. Generations of my family have loved these trams, which have been running since 1885.