Shadow World

The spectres of Neptune are varied to say the least. Over eon’s Neptune has been used as a prison world for the galaxy’s troubled souls. Now as Neptune warms those frozen soul are about to be released back into circulation. The records of who and what had been frozen there are lost in the mists of time. However we expect that the animals of the Neolithic period will be first to be released back to planet earth. The dinosaurs it seems will take longer to thaw. Whilst it seems that authors are to be released last. … Compiler Dragon Lord Kankakee

I approve of authors next to last. But after politicians, surely?
To true, politicians to remain frozen as long as possible
Dear Michael,
I’m in agreement with Neil. Although I believe the politicians should be kept frozen.
I agree Rochelle, I think that Neil made a good case.
Entertaining! And I agree, if planet earth has any hope, it might be best if politicians remain in deep freeze.
I have asked the dragon lords to move the politicians to the part of Neptune last to defrost
Authors should be released first; politicians, never!
Sadly with global warming even the politicians will be defrosted.
There’s nothing I can add to comments already posted. Keep the pols in deep-freeze.
I love the imagination you’re displaying with your recent posts 🙂
Thank you so much Linda… I feel like I am drifting at present, so I really appreciate your comment
What an imagination you have! But I’m with the others – don’t leave authors till last.
Thank you Liz, by the time Neptunes authors are defrosted the perhaps Neptune will be a good place to reside
I like the idea that some mythical being has everything under control or is it an alien race that plays with life.
Lots to ponder in this one, Michael.
Thank you James,… indeed there is much to ponder about. The storyline is challenging me to develop it
I agree with Rochelle.
Thank you Danny,… My muse is challenging me to develop this piece of flash further
I can’t help but think of our melting polar ice caps and what might be released from them…
Jade, what is happening to our polar caps, was the germ that developed this piece of flash.
Very creative.
Thank you so much
I love how your mind travelled here with the photo prompt – Dragons Rule OK! 🙂
Saturns dragons also love to tell stories
They are clearly concerned about the tales that authors will tell. Interesting!
You are so right, Saturns dragons love to tell stories and are concerned that the imprisoned authors if released might out shadow them.
This is such a creative and enjoyable read. Thank you
It was kind of you to say so, thank you
How disappointing that the dinosaurs will have to wait longer than Neolithic animals.
That is true, and the dinosaurs may find planet Earth unpalatable
I like this concept a lot. Very creative.
Thank you so much, the prompt pictures often surprise me with what they trigger in my mind