Ai’s and Humanity

Benjamin knew that he could no longer trust his eyes… His own friendly Ai had given him a vision of what was to come. The ability to throw a force field, anywhere. Any Ai or indeed any human could almost appear as anything, even as Benjamin had been visually transformed into a blue whale, an image even at the greatest depths of earths oceans. Yikes. Benjamin thought, I could even be a rusty old car on my way to the scrapyard.🙂

Just so long as Benjamin realises he’s not really a blue whale and doesn’t attempt a deep dive
Yes a deep dive might be disastrous,
Dear Michael,
Now that’s a sobering realization.
Truly sobering, if we can not trust what we see
There are days when I do feel like a rusty old car on my way to the scrapyard. I can do that without AI.
Stay warm and dry Sandra… I must admit, I am loot forward to warmer weather.
That is a scary scenario!
Truly scary, if one can not trust what is seen.
Thanks for the memory of Berlin with the picture. Ai is such a scary concept.
Berlin is an interesting city. Trust in Ai technology will have to be earned
Whatever next? Talking blue whales and cars that drive themselves without passengers. Trollies that shop for themselves. I mean what is the point of humans.
( I have tried to leave comments -not sure they neve appear?)
James thank you for taking the time to comment… Humans will always be needed, if only for the Ai’s to scary.
Well done. What a thought for the future!
Thank you Connie. For me the future appears harder to interpret due to the potential of Ai’s
AI is both fascinating and frightening.
You are so right,… although Ai technology could be of great value to humanity.
Yeah, I don’t think I like AI.
Only time will tell if Ai technology will be of benefit to humanity
I’m so confused with this Ai stuff. This brought a tinge of scare to my blood.
Interesting direction to go with the prompt.
Thank you Isadora, sorry to scary you… Ai technology is another step in humanity’s development,
Not to be able to trust what we see leaves us vulnerable. I guess there’s always been a little doubt that what we see is real, but with AI the sky’s the limit. What will our future be with AI technology advancing so rapidly? Scary. Well told.
Thank you Margaret,… There will be so much to write about with Ai’s
Should we welcome AI or fear it? Great story!
That is a good the question,… at least there will be much to write about as Ai’s develop
A terrifying thought… -Angela
Terrifying indeed. Although Ai technology may bring better health care to a large part of the world.
That’s the future, there’s no avoiding it, I’m afraid.
Yes the future is unpredictable,… I hope that humanity is up to the challenge
I can feel a chill of anxiety considering this. Getting lost in the matrix is not anything I’d want to do. Leave me to ordinary existence please.
I think anxiety travels with humanity. There is much for a writer to consider.
Fun little sci fi tale.
That you Dawn,
I think we are getting close to that point. Oh dear.
It does appear so, thank you Patrick