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A fountain of fire…

Prompt curtsy of Brenda Cox

A pillar of flames shot up into the dense fog, beware travellers…The town is offering free coke to all who pay their bill.
Now the High St is illuminated, Colne is a jewel in the crown of Lancashire. Now Lancashire boilers can work even harder, for the mills are lit twentyfold and twenty four hours a day. The mills shiver and rattle as cogs and belts whirl, whilst the workers curse. There’s nowt afire state the mill proprietors, just money to be made. Send your children and we will give them coppers. No long sleeves, for they stop the cogs whirling…

Church Viking Burnsall
A dales church
This Post Has 31 Comments
    1. Times do change, today’s offering was written two or three days back when I was in a Leeds hospital, because today I have a troublesome headache, so my use was in hiding. I am now back temporarily in my local hospital, and getting lots of inspiration from fellow patients and staff.

    1. O dear, perhaps I was a little to bleak, Colne as a town has plenty of character, stay well Jade… I am up for major surgery on Monday so I am likely not to post or comment next week

  1. ‘There’s nowt afire… Just money to be made.’ Will we never learn? Neatly summed up, Michael. I hope you’ll be home soon.

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