Hungry for Power

Watching from the veranda of his coach, the president of the railway, saw a gang of his men take a chain saw to the next tree. He wondered if the person who had invented the chain saw, really understood the power that it had placed in the hands of man like him.
Then again as a president why should he worry about such things. He knew that he did not care. He would be long gone before mankind realised that too many trees had been removed. That the world’s climate was linked to trees, and without trees, the climate would go into free fall.
By then his descendants would have power, they would be able to survive and prosper from the situation. Yes he would drive his workforce harder, the trees must go. What did he care. ‘Take them all down, thats what I pay you for, damn you, cut them down’.
Its a worrying scenario isn’t it. You have written it very well.
Very worrying, if i could I would pass a law that for every tree cut down three new saplings must be planted and nurtured
I agree, in some places things like that do occur….
That would be an ingenious idea! I absolutely love the messag in this story.
Thank you so much. I hope that the message is listened to.
Clear cutting and strip mining, a legacy of greed.
Greed that certainly true. Thank you for commenting. Mike
Wow – he’s not a very nice man. He doesn’t seem to care about anybody but himself. Great story Mike with a great lesson!
Thank you PJ, on the rare really hot days here in Yorkshire, if one walks in the shade of trees it is much cooler and pleasant. We under value trees at our peril.
I agree with you. Trees are worth their weight in gold!
So true.
This is so sad. More than a 100,000 trees were cut down in our city some 5 -6 years ago and since then there has been an increase/decrease of at least 1-2c in maximum and minimum temps. The summers as well as the winters are really bad now. Here a Politico watched from the terrace.
Great write.
So sad to hear that, we undervalue trees at our peril. Sometimes trees may need removing, but I would pass a law which required that for each tree removed, at least three trees had to be planted and nurtured to maturity
That may be the solution.
I have found that planting of the right varieties of trees alway brings much benefit to a community.
That is quite logical. Traditionally ficus and tamarind were planted in my city and frequently one could find rows and rows of trees aged 100 or more lining the roads.
Trees are lovely what ever variety,
Powerful take Michael. The image of the chairman watching on while his orders destroy the world around him is very resonant.
Thank you Iain, that was what I was aiming for. Mike
Very powerful imagery on display here. And very topical too. A sad but true tale well told.
Thank you Neel, topical was what I had in mind.
It’s really sad. Change begins with me
Many people work hard to make to world a healthier place, thank heavens. Planting young trees and caring for them is part of that.
A chilling powerful well told tale. An enjoyable read.
Thank you for your very kind comments. They really encourage me to keep writing. I so nearly did not post a story this time. But then I woke up at midnight with the story in my mind, I just had to write it there and then, with a cup of tea, of course. Mike
I know how you feel. Sometimes I don’t feel it. Then I do 😉
How we exercise our power, one wonders if we reside on a different planet from the one the action takes place
Thats true
I think we are at last realising the harm that’s been done by the unnecessary felling of trees and the failure to plant new ones. I hope so anyway for the sake of future generations.
Click here for my FFfAW
Me too
Tomorrow, here in the US, we will have such a man as our president.
There are laws, in my city, that does require planting a new tree when one comes down. Laws, however, are rarely followed to the letter….an uncomfortable story but….a necessary one.
To hold such power is a privilege, the sign of a good leader is someone who is so privileged uses their power to do good things. History always judges.
Too many actions have been taken over the years that cause damage to the environment, all in the name of greed. I’d like to think that such attitudes were of the past. Unfortunately, I know that’s not true. Good story, Michael.
Thank you so much.
A story that’s exceptionally poignant today, because this is the reality we live in. When will we learn that we can’t take money with us when it’s all over?
Thank you Jade,
have you read about the recent events in Malaysia? the aboriginal people in Kelantan jailed for protecting the forest? your story made me think of it – power corrupts. thank you for always writing different than the rest.
Thank you Singledust I had not heard about the events in Malaysia. I am proud of these aboriginal people. For me writing should have value, so thank you.
Yes Michael, you do that with your style of writing, gathering from the events around you and turning it into an awareness for others. I enjoy and envy that at the same time, hopefully one day I get to that level.