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Dancing in the clouds is good,

Every quiet cloud has a silver lining, so I invite you to read each post on the Friday Fictioneer’s site, I do. This is a site which is used by a community of writers. Please support them as they develope and grow, and become the rain which seeds the earth with stories. Each drop of rain carries the silver light of creativity, so please read and comment. And perhaps a rainbow will develope, with a crock of gold in the form of a novel, or a book of short stories or poems. ย  http//:www.fridayfictioneers/27-07-2016/

What if
What if

The quiet one was alone, wondering, nothing made any sense. She had been a bright spirit, full of energy, whilst he had been the wanderer. He had drifted around the oceans, but always he returned to her. She was his fountain of love, of knowledge and excitement. Now he realised for the time being he must drift no more. He would stay and be her protector.

Always it was the same, he found freedom and kinship, it was so natural amongst these beings, but always they aged and died, leaving him alone. Sadly he decided that time travel to this planets ocean was bad for his soul. Yet he loved the sense of freedom that living as a whale gave him.


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